
  • Publisher: SCEA
  • Release Date: Sep 30, 1999
Grandia Image

Generally favorable reviews - based on 14 Critic Reviews What's this?

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Generally favorable reviews- based on 127 Ratings

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  • Summary: Join Justin and friends on an epic journey through a captivating story line, providing over 80 hours of intensive gameplay. With vast polygonal worlds to explore and extensive character interaction, Grandia features innovative gameplay with a unique magic combination and characterJoin Justin and friends on an epic journey through a captivating story line, providing over 80 hours of intensive gameplay. With vast polygonal worlds to explore and extensive character interaction, Grandia features innovative gameplay with a unique magic combination and character development system and a choice of two battle modes; classic turn-based or automatic. Expand
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 14
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 14
  3. Negative: 0 out of 14
  1. Story is a great component of any RPG but it has to have a quality battle engine alongside. Thankfully Grandia utilizes one of the best we have played.
  2. With an absolutely stellar story, and characters that are more lively and fleshed out than those found in other series this game provides the integral components to make for an RPG that will rule the players life until they’ve finished the game.
  3. A role-playing masterpiece that delivers in all of the ways that really matter. While perhaps a little behind in the technology curve, Grandia's innovation, atmosphere, and story make it one of the most noteworthy RPGs in recent memory.
  4. 90
    With an enormous world to explore, a great variety of puzzles, and a whole lot of humor, Grandia is sure to please any RPG fan who hungers for hours of immersing gameplay and puzzle solving.
  5. It is proof that a strong game accompanied by good, but not great visuals, can be a more compelling product than something with lots of flash, but no substance.
  6. Ultimately, I think it's the focus on the characters and the growth they experience that takes Grandia over the top. The angle the designers took for Grandia as a more lighthearted and anecdotal adventure is refreshing. It never overwhelms like the newer, over-ambitious efforts that are out there but rather, offers up the less tangible part of gaming.
  7. A great game. While it's low on the pathos, the cheery nature of the quest is rivaled only by Working Design's "Lunar" series.

See all 14 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 21 out of 25
  2. Negative: 1 out of 25
  1. Aug 17, 2018
    The game has some very witty and funny dialogues. Also, the display photos of the characters when they talk to show how they feel are just soThe game has some very witty and funny dialogues. Also, the display photos of the characters when they talk to show how they feel are just so expressive. The characters are easily some of the most memorable I've seen in a game. Expand
  2. Oct 5, 2018
    Grandia 1 was my 1st rpg game for the Playstation 1. I was totally enjoying it as a kid. The hard thing about this time was that I did notGrandia 1 was my 1st rpg game for the Playstation 1. I was totally enjoying it as a kid. The hard thing about this time was that I did not know any english words at all so it was rlly hard to explore that game but I did manage to finish it. I played that game so often and long that I even could beat Gadwin in the 1st battle you met him but the game still told me that I've lost. Well yeah the skill system was also rlly nice. You could lvl up earth to lvl 99 and water had a rlly cool lvling up way like standing infrond of a trap and taking damage untill you end up with 1 hp left then open the menu and heal yourself to max ofcourse it worked best near a savepoint to refill the manapoints aswell. This method made it easy to reach water lvl 99 really early in the game. It had allot of funny situations. The character are really amazing. I totally liked Sue and her little pet. Hope to play this game again as a HD remastered version for PS4 or PC. Just an amazing game and everyone who loves rpg should play it. Expand
  3. May 11, 2015
    This is my favorite Playstation game I first started playing it when it first came out and still enjoy it today. It a really easy game and funThis is my favorite Playstation game I first started playing it when it first came out and still enjoy it today. It a really easy game and fun to play and I hope you enjoy it as much as I have. Expand
  4. Jan 19, 2019
    Melhor rpg clássico que joguei até hoje, jornada incrível com gráficos e gameplay excelentes, recomendadíssimo.
  5. Aug 1, 2014
    A long adventure with a naive but touching story, nice characters, good battle system and lots of ingame details. The worst things are tediousA long adventure with a naive but touching story, nice characters, good battle system and lots of ingame details. The worst things are tedious random battles and awful navigation, though I still enjoyed the game. Expand
  6. Aug 25, 2018
    This game would be much more appreciated if it had fewer dungeons and towns; it way overstays its welcome.
  7. Jul 16, 2012
    Things which seemed epic when you were fourteen don't usually stand the test of time. Grandia with its shambling plot and cringe-worthy animeThings which seemed epic when you were fourteen don't usually stand the test of time. Grandia with its shambling plot and cringe-worthy anime moments fits squarely into this bracket. Expand

See all 25 User Reviews

Awards & Rankings

#7 Most Discussed PS1 Game of 1999
#8 Most Shared PS1 Game of 1999