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Amazon Fresh grocery store in Los Angeles opens to the public

Starting today, it's open daily from 7AM to 10PM PT.
Igor Bonifacic, @igorbonifacic
September 17, 2020

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Amazon Woodland Hills

After a short period where you could only visit the store if you had an invite, Amazon's first Fresh grocery location is now open to the public. Starting today, anyone who wants to visit the Woodland Hills, Los Angeles store can do so from 7AM to 10PM PT daily.

The centerpiece of the store is Amazon's new Dash Cart. Each one features a scale and a variety of cameras and sensors, allowing it to calculate your total as you shop. Once you're done shopping, the amount you need to pay is automatically deducted from the credit card associated with your Amazon account. If you only plan to buy about two bags worth of groceries, the Amazon Dash Cart allows you to skip a visit to the cashier. Another nifty feature of the Dash Carts is that you can access any shopping lists you made with Alexa directly from the cart.   

If that's not enough automation for you, there are also Echo Show stations throughout the store where you can ask Alexa to point you in the direction of a specific product. Besides groceries, you can also pick up your same-day Amazon Prime deliveries from the store, and there’s even the option to pre-order deli items through the Fresh app.    

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the store still won't operate at full capacity just yet. You'll also need to have a face covering on to enter the store. If you don't have one on you, the store will give you a free disposable one.  

In this article: Amazon, Food, Amazon Fresh, Dash Cart, retail, news, gear
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