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Basilica of Santa María


Built over the remains of a mosque.

The performance of the Misterio de Elche mystery play, which takes place every year in this basilica, has been declared a festivity of International Tourist Interest.

It is built on the foundations of an ancient mosque. Once Jaime I has conquered the city, he consecrated the mosque for Christian ceremonies, dedicating it to Saint Mary (María). It underwent remodelling due to its deteriorated condition, and was rebuilt in Gothic-Renaissance style, but the present building is Baroque, dating back to the 17th century, when it was last refurbished. The main entrance, in Baroque style, is abundantly decorated and exceptionally beautiful. The San Agatángelo doorway takes its name from the Nicolás Bussi sculpture of this saint standing over it. The Communion Chapel is in neoclassical style.

Basilica of Santa María

Plaza de Santa María, 2

03202  Elche-Elx, Elche, Alicante - Alacant  (Region of Valencia)

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