in the tall grass review

Vincenzo Natali’s In The Tall Grass (available right now on Netflix) takes a scary novella and expands it into a feature that’s filled with mind-bending twists and turns. It’s a fun piece of horror filmmaking that showcase Natali’s unique sensibilities, which often involve taking the taboo and making it frighteningly plausible and viscerally affecting (read Chris Evangelista’s review from Fantastic Fest).

I had a chance to sit down with Natali to do a feature length commentary on In the Tall Grass. We discussed his philosophy towards structuring the film, the most stressful parts of shooting the film, the joy of watching Patrick Wilson’s character lose his mind on screen, and why this new world of streaming has been a boon to his career. You can listen and download the commentary (which features instructions on how to synchronize it with the film) below.
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spider-man into the spider-verse commentary

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse has been hailed as a work of art, so why not give some credit to the artists behind that art? A dazzling, bold, and creative animated feature like Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse required a lot of hands on deck, from producers Phil Lord and Chris Miller, to directors Peter Ramsey, Bob Persichetti, and Rodney Rothman, to the animators who helped craft the film’s distinctive pop-art style.

A lot of lip services has been paid to the first two, but now the animators get the spotlight in a new Spider-Man Into the Spider-Verse animator commentary track that reveals what went into the making of this gorgeous Oscar-winning film.

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To celebrate the recent release of Groundhog Day on Blu-Ray, /Filmcast co-hosts David Chen, Devindra Hardawar, and special guest Stephen Tobolowsky (AKA Ned Ryerson) put together this feature-length commentary for the film. During this commentary, the trio discuss the making of Groundhog Day, its deleted scenes and alternately conceived versions, its legacy, its impact on Stephen’s career, their favorite parts from the film, and the disturbing tale of one man’s missing foreskin. If you have the DVD of Groundhog Day or if you have access to Netflix Watch Instantly, just listen to the audio file for instructions on how to sync it with your copy of the film.

Have any feedback or suggestions for next commentary? Feel free to e-mail us at slashfilmcast(at), or call and leave a voicemail at (781) 583-1993.

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The other day Jon Chu’s Step Up 2: The Streets was added to Netflix’s Watch Instantly program, making it available to millions of viewers for free. The question for us then became: Why not celebrate by doing an audio commentary on it?

In their very first attempt at a movie commentary, Dave, Devindra, and Adam, discuss the hidden layers of meaning behind Step Up 2: The Streets. Special guest Jen Yamato joins us from Rottentomatoes to add her unique perspective and love for the film. If you have the DVD of Step Up 2, or if you have access to Netflix Watch Instantly, just listen to the audio file for instructions on how to sync it with your copy of the film [This was primarily a tech test to see if it’d actually be possible for us to even do a commentary over Skype. Please do not expect anything informative, entertaining, or interesting to come from this commentary, but if you enjoyed it, feel free to let us know by e-mailing us. We’re also taking suggestions for other movies we should do a comemntary on.]

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[Update: This commentary has been featured at Rottentomatoes. Thanks Jen!]