Questions for Jonah Hill


There is much that is supergood about your performance in “Superbad,” which opens this week. But how do you feel about landing your first big role in a film that celebrates male immaturity and vulgarity? Any time I have a conversation with a female reporter, this kind of comes up. The way that Michael Cera and I talk in the movie is vulgar. But whether people realize it or not, this is how 17-year-old kids talk today. You might not want to believe it.

You make the film sound like an example of gritty realism, when it’s a teen comedy about two underage buddies trying to buy alcohol to impress girls. I don’t think “Superbad” is a teen movie. I think it’s a movie about young people. I mean, no one has sex with a pastry of any kind.

You’re referring to the definitive moment in “American Pie.” What do you consider the definitive moment in “Superbad”? My favorite parts are when Michael and I are just walking around talking. If you didn’t believe that Michael and I love each other, then the whole movie doesn’t work.

Growing up in Los Angeles, did you always want to be an actor? No. I wanted to be one of the Simpsons. I wanted to live in Springfield.

Actually, you do seem like an animated character. I didn’t ever think about that.

What did you learn from working with Judd Apatow, who produced “Superbad” in the wake of the comedy hits “40-Year-Old Virgin” and “Knocked Up,” in which you had supporting roles? The best advice Judd gave me is that there are a billion other people who are funny and want to be doing what you’re doing. The second you stop realizing that — and you stop working as hard — opportunity can go away for you.

It sounds as if you have a healthy work ethic. My dad is an accountant, and he instilled a good work ethic in me. The last thing I ever want to do is blow an opportunity, especially this one.

Credit...Emily Shur

You’re clearly less of a hedonist than the high-school character you play in the film. Do you use drugs? Occasionally I smoke pot. I am way too neurotic to ever do any real drugs.

That’s good. How would you compare your sex life with the character you play? I am not a superlecherous guy. I usually enjoy having a girlfriend as opposed to dating a variety of women. I’m a nice Jewish boy.

Did you have a bar mitzvah when you were a kid? Yeah. It was amazing. It was magical.

The theme was “Jonah Goes Platinum.”

Did you like high school? No. I felt underappreciated in high school. Unless you were good at sports or got great grades, no one seemed to bother about you. I was pretty laid back. I was like, “Hey, what’s up?” I wanted to get the hell out of there.

You wound up moving to New York to study acting at the New School and quickly broke into film. “I Heart Huckabees” was my first movie, and Dustin Hoffman discovered me.

So thanks, Dustin.

What do you think is the best film that disappeared overnight? “The Puffy Chair.” It’s one of my favorites. No one I know has ever seen it. It’s about a man who drives cross-country to bring his dad a puffy chair he had as a kid and that he found on eBay.

Sweet. What’s your next film? “The Middle Child” is a movie I am writing for Universal, which will hopefully be the next one I do. Judd and I are looking at directors right now.

Are you a middle child? Yes.

How old are you? 23.

Young man, have you done your homework? Unfortunately, no.