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Watch: Liam Neeson Takes ‘A Walk Among The Tombstones’ In Trailer For Action Thriller

Watch: Liam Neeson Takes 'A Walk Among The Tombstones' In Trailer For Action Thriller

Yeah, we know, it’s practically a routine at this point. Here’s yet another movie, with yet another grizzled Liam Neeson, with more special skills that he uses to get the bad guys or whatever. But if there’s one reason we’re interested in “A Walk Among The Tombstones” it’s this — Scott Frank.

He’s the writer/director of “The Lookout,” and the pen behind “Out Of Sight,” “Minority Report,” “Get Shorty” and more, so we’re hoping that this genre exercise is a bit of a cut above. And certainly the source material is pretty good, with the movie based on the novel by Lawrence Block, centering on private detective Matt Scudder, hired by a heroin trafficker (played by a very angry Dan Stevens) to find the men that killed his wife. Morals! But seriously, on the page, the character is a pretty great one with lots of big screen potential, so we hope they got it right.

“A Walk Among The Tombstones” arrives on September 19th.

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