21 Coolest Podcasts for Women to Share With Their Best Friends Right Now

Celebrate the sisterhood with these awesome podcasts.

best podcasts for women

If you need a solid dose of girl power, a pep talk from an older sister stand-in, advice from someone who can understand your life experiences, or if you just want to celebrate and support female content creators, the solution is right in your headphones. Tuning in to one of the best podcasts for women helps check all of these boxes, and there's more of them all the time. Despite podcasting's reputation as the purview of tech-literate men, that's starting to change. Women still lag behind the guys in podcasting, but ladies are catching up when it comes to listeners.

According to the 2018 Infinite Dial study, women are beginning to close the gender listening gap. They lag behind men by only 9%, at press time. That said, the percentage of female hosts doesn't reflect the near equality of podcast listeners as neatly. As of that study, women only host 22% of podcasts in total. But the good news is, you can actually help with that. Podcasting can be a pretty democratic industry; the more listeners a podcast has, the more successful it is. More listeners means more visibility, which can lead to things like ad sponsors that help keep the podcast going. That means the best way to encourage female podcasters is to add some of these to your queue. Tune in and join the sisterhood.

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1 Call Your Girlfriend
podcasts for women - call your girlfriend

When you just want to talk to your bestie, turn on this podcast for a hit of fellowship. Best friends Ann Friedman and Aminatou Sou spend each episode chatting about both light and heavy topics in this funny and resonant conversational podcast. They cover so many bases — current events, cultural phenomena, and even random subjects that speak to both of them. Those can range from what we should do about body hair to books they love, and even sex education.


2 Decoder Ring
podcasts for women - decoder ring

Fans of random facts will adore this new podcast from Slate. On each episode, host Willa Paskin examines a nagging question, idea, or object and figures out its history and background as well as why it's become ubiquitous in our culture. Topics can include ice cream trucks, our collective fascination with Jennifer Anniston, throw pillows, and so much more. You'll find yourself turning into that person at parties who always says, "Did you know ..."


3 Becoming Wise
podcasts for women - becoming wise

When you need a moment of zen but can't spare much more than that, Becoming Wise is the podcast for you. It "offers depth and discovery in the time it takes to make a cup of tea," according to its tagline, and it actually lives up to that promise. This podcast touches on some of the world's biggest questions and will lead you to think deeply but briefly, to broaden your horizons without taking up your whole afternoon.


4 With Special Guest Lauren Lapkus
podcasts for women - with special guest lauren lapkus

Anyone who says women aren't funny will rethink their position after they try this hilarious and unique interview podcast. Comedian Lauren Lapkus invites funny friends on the show and then flips the script on the traditional talk show, by pretending she's the guest and they're the host. It's part improv comedy, part interview, and totally hysterical. You'll need a Stitcher account to binge listen to old episodes, but you can find new ones on Spotify.


5 Death, Sex & Money
podcasts for women - death sex and money

Your mom may have taught you not to talk about these very topics in polite company but that's what this podcast is for. Host Anna Sale brings on smart and entertaining guests who go deep on the stuff we don't usually talk about. And don't let the title fool you, it's actually both funny and informative and you'll learn fresh perspectives on tough subjects, from honest people who have been there before.


6 In the Dark
podcasts for women - in the dark

If you enjoy thoroughly reported true crime and dedicated gumshoe journalism, In the Dark is for you. This Peabody Award-winning podcast investigates law enforcement and the criminal justice system by going deep on a different case each season. The first season investigated the kidnapping and death of 11-year-old Jacob Wetterling and the second, the case of Curtis Flowers, who was tried six times for the same murder. Both are excellent.


7 Why Won't You Date Me?
podcasts for women -  why won't you date me

Nicole Byer, like many of us, has not yet found love (and not for a lack of trying!) But unlike you and me, she made a podcast about it. This gut-busting conversation show tackles topics like her green-card marriage, how she deals with inevitable dry spells, and the many trials and tribulations of the modern dating scene. Fans of Byer's sometimes R-rated comedy will get a kick out of this podcast, but it's definitely not for kids so save this one for some adult time.


8 Anna Faris is Unqualified
podcasts for women - Anna Faris is Unqualified
Apple Podcasts

She said it herself: Anna Faris is in no position to give anyone relationship advice. And yet, here we are. Using her years of life experience and that of her guests, Anna brings funny and relatable tips on relationships, love, life, and whatever comes up in conversation. Despite the title, and Anna's total lack of credentials, this podcast is actually super insightful.


9 Forever 35
podcasts for women - Forever 35
Forever 35

As women over 30, hosts Doree Shafrir and Kate Spencer didn't see themselves represented in the mainstream media, so they decided to take matters into their own hands. Through this podcast, the authors and journalists talk about the things that matter to them like beauty, wellness, and living as women. It's delightfully relatable and you may pick up a few tips as you listen.


10 Terrible, Thanks for Asking
podcasts for women - Terrible, Thanks for Asking

We've all been in that situation: Someone asks how you are and you say "fine," even though that couldn't be further from the truth. This podcast is all about those times. Host Nora McInerny lost her father, husband, and unborn child within the space of a month and had to learn to cope using humor and radical honesty. On this podcast, she and her guests candidly talk about grief and loss through empathetic, and often funny conversations.


11 Women Inspiring Women
podcasts for women - Women Inspiring Women
Apple Podcasts

Attention all girl bosses (and aspiring ones): This podcast is all about you. Host Melanie Mitro dishes on how she started her own business without a business degree or any formal training, and it's an inspiring must-listen for any ladies who want to do the same. After you start listening, you'll be fired up to go achieve your dreams.


12 Jill on Money
podcasts for women - Jill on Money

Don't think you have enough money to start saving for retirement? Afraid to invest because you don't want to lose it all? Wondering what the heck a 401k can do for you anyway? Jill Schlesinger has the answer to these and so many more retirement and finance questions you didn't even think to ask on this informative, down-to-earth podcast.


13 How to Be a Girl
podcasts for women - How to Be a Girl
Apple Podcasts

Marlo Mack is a single Seattle mom raising a transgender daughter, and this podcast explores their mother-daughter relationship, the duo's life together, and the challenges and successes they face. It's heartwarming, sometimes funny, and a must-listen for parents everywhere.


14 Second Life
podcasts for women - second life
Apple Podcasts

The founder of Who What Wear, Hillary Kerr, chat with well-known women who have started over professionally in the second half of their lives and careers in down-to-earth, honest conversations. These women share their amazing backgrounds, their trials and tribulations, and what it took to get where they are. You'll recognize some of the names and find all of their stories fascinating.


15 The High Low
podcasts for women - the high low
The High Low

Reality TV, politics, the issue of the day, it's all right out on the table in this aptly-named podcast hosted by Dolly Alderton and Pandora Sykes. Come for their perspectives on current events, stay for the British accents. Even if you're not big on pop culture, you're sure to find their hot takes entertaining.


16 Stuff Mom Never Told You
podcasts for women - stuff mom never told you
Apple Podcasts

We all have those knowledge gaps, whether it's history or politics, how gender influences everything from our food choices to our careers, and so many things in between. This podcast delves deep into issues you may not have considered before, in a refreshing way that will make you think about your role in the world a little differently.


17 Where Should We Begin
podcasts for women - where should we begin
Apple Podcasts

Slide onto the metaphorical couch while you listen to psychotherapist Esther Perel give couples advice on real problems like struggles with intimacy, challenging finances, infidelity, and loss. You may learn something you can apply to your own relationship, and you'll definitely gain some empathy for others along the way.


18 Dr. Death
podcasts for women - Dr. Death

Fair warning for the squeamish: This tell-all podcast may not be for you. Reported and hosted by Laura Beil, this investigative true-crime podcast tells the story of Christopher Duntsch, a neurosurgeon in Dallas. He claimed to be the best surgeon going, but after 31 patients came away injured during surgery and two passed away, he was convicted of malpractice. You'll never look at the medical system the same.


19 This is Love
podcasts for women - this is love

From the creator and host of the popular true crime podcast "Criminal" comes a different twist with the same attention to detail. Velvet-voiced Phoebe Judge tells stories of the pervasive nature of love in our lives. We're talking obsession, passion, long-held crushes, and the ways that love in its various forms really does conquer all.


20 Radio Cherry Bombe
podcasts for women - radio cherry bombe
Heritage Podcast Network

Grab a snack before you dig into this podcast that covers all things food from a female perspective. Host Kerry Diamond, co-founder and editorial director of the food magazine of the same name, chats with movers and shakers in the food world. You'll hear from chefs, bakers, branding professionals, writers, and players from just about every aspect of the food world in this fun and informative, female-fronted podcast.


21 The History Chicks
podcasts for women - The History Chicks
The History Chicks

If you ever felt that history class skewed very male, this podcast will help you fill in the gender gap. Each episode will introduce you to female characters in history, including fun facts and interesting tidbits, juicy details and minutiae that will make you the smartest gal at your next get-together. And the show notes include links to learn more, if you really want to dive in.


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