Smithsonian wasn't always beloved

In its early days, America lacked world-class universities, libraries, scientific research facilities, and museums. Many Americans believed such things were unnecessary for national security and economic growth, and were disinterested in the promotion of the arts and education.

However, a series of unlikely and ironic circumstances changed the country.

On June 27, 1829, a wealthy scientist died in Genoa, Italy. His body was returned to Britain where his Last Will and Testament was read. It specified the vast estate belonged to his closest relative, a nephew named Henry James Hungerford. However, in the unusual event that Hungerford would pass without an heir, the fortune would be bequeathed to the people of the U.S.

Sure enough, in 1835, the nephew died childless.

The aristocratic scientist who possessed the vast fortune was born James Macie around 1765, probably in France. He was also the illegitimate son of Elizabeth Hungerford Macie and the 1st Duke of Northumberland.

At age 10, James became a British citizen and developed a passion for natural sciences. As a student at Oxford, he excelled in chemistry and mineralogy, and embarked on a quest to promote the "new sciences" and collect specimens throughout Europe. He was also determined to prove himself independent of his aristocratic heritage, which he did, gaining admission to the prestigious Royal Society in 1787.

After his parents died, James decided to adopt his father's last name. Many years later, it was he, James Smithson, who specified that his fortune be sent to Washington to create "under the name of the Smithsonian Institution, an establishment for the increase and diffusion of knowledge."

In 1835, President Andrew Jackson announced the details of the bequest to Congress. All were shocked at the sheer size — $508,318.46. At the time, this amounted to nearly 1/60th of the entire federal budget. Incredibly, however, many in Congress did not want the money, while others wrestled with what to do with the fortune. Curiously, Smithson said virtually nothing about his revolutionary donation and offered little instruction in his will.

Conservatives and champions of states' rights, such as John C. Calhoun of South Carolina, argued the federal government did not have the right to establish a national institution, conduct scientific research, or promote knowledge. Federalists and northerners, led by the learned and well-traveled John Quincy Adams, maintained that it was in the nation's best interest in many ways. Happily, they won out.

A year later, on July 1, 1836, Congress formally accepted the donation, and in 1838, Richard Rush traveled to Britain to bring Smithson's papers, personal items, and more than 100,000 gold sovereigns to the Philadelphia mint. Yet, it took another decade of partisan debate and opposition from ideologues and fundamentalists in Congress before Smithson's institution became a reality.

Advocates also wrestled with the best use of the funds. Should they build a national university? Library? Observatory? Publishing enterprise? They again made the right decision, establishing a national museum that would do all of the above and be run by a board of regents.

Congress finally acted on August 10, 1846, and President James Polk established the Smithsonian Institution. A noted physicist from the College of New Jersey (now Princeton) was picked to lead the SI and an architect was hired to design a "Smithsonian Castle" on the National Mall.

In 1848 and 1849, the SI began procuring scientific instruments, art collections, and libraries.

Ironically, Smithson never stepped foot in the United States, and we are not sure why this British aristocrat donated his fortune to the American people. It is believed he was inspired by America's experiment in democracy and tempered by his own struggles as an illegitimate child.

The SI has survived a destructive fire in 1865 and opposition by the anti-science crowd. Today it is the world's largest museum complex, with 19 museums, a national zoo, and several research facilities.

Smithson, who finally made it to the United States posthumously and is interred in a crypt in the Smithsonian Castle, revolutionized economic, scientific, and cultural life in America. His dream continues to inspire and serve the world.

Robert Watson, Ph.D. is a professor and coordinator of American studies at Lynn University.

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