• reviewing reissues Recently, I discovered a couple reviews of reissues that were overlooked by editors upon initial release. Occasionally, an editor would also fully review a reissue (instead of appending a couple of sentences to the initial release's review). These retrospective reviews aren't read by as many users as those reviewing new releases. As lamented in reviewing… more
  • Style for Allmusic Best of 2020 Hey guys, I simply love the stylesheet used for Allmusic best of 2020. Please make this your default on the webpage! :D The colors, the fonts, the hover-states. It's all so beautiful. Welcome to 2020! more
  • thom jurek email Hi AllMusic after just reading tj's high praise for meredith d'ambrosio and her album by myself, I copied+sent the text to her, a dear friend. She already wrote back thanking me warmly and asked if I knew how to contact him so she can send him her appreciation. Thanks in advance for any help! Rachel Pearlman , Switzerland more