Nobody Does It Better Lyrics

Nobody does it better
Makes me feel sad for the rest
Nobody does it half as good as you
Baby you're the best

I wasn't looking but somehow you found me
I tried to hide from your love light
But like heaven above me, the spy who loved me
Is keeping all my secrets safe tonight

And nobody does it better
Sometimes I wish someone would
Nobody does it quite the way you do
Why'd you have to be so good

The way that you hold me, whenever you hold me
There's some kind of magic inside you
That keeps me from running, but just keep it coming
How'd you learn to do the things you do

And nobody does it better
Makes me feel sad for the rest
Nobody does it quite the way you do
Baby, baby
Baby you're the best
Baby you're the best
Baby you're the best
Baby you're the best
How to Format Lyrics:
  • Type out all lyrics, even if it’s a chorus that’s repeated throughout the song
  • The Section Header button breaks up song sections. Highlight the text then click the link
  • Use Bold and Italics only to distinguish between different singers in the same verse.
    • E.g. “Verse 1: Kanye West, Jay-Z, Both
  • Capitalize each line
  • To move an annotation to different lyrics in the song, use the [...] menu to switch to referent editing mode


Genius Annotation

This is the song radiohead has more often covered in their live performances, although all 16 known performances took place between 1995 and 1997. Thom Yorke has introduced it as “the sexiest song ever written”. The original by Carly Simon was a James Bond movie soundtrack in the 1970s.

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