
What is Lesboy?


A lesbian-identified male(a homosexual woman who was born with a male body and is not seeking gender reassignment surgery. Instead of female hormones and corrective surgery to help make the outside match her inside, she simply lives with the package she came wrapped in as a lesbian to the best her body will allow).

Typically a male who often seems gay/girly, but is highly attracted to lesbians and bisexual females with no attraction to other men.

If he doesn't like guys why does he seem so gay?

He's a lesboy. Only likes girls, but preferably bis and lesbians.

See lesboy, male, transgender


A hetero male who hangs around with lesbians - the male equivalent of the faghag.

"girl, why is your brother always at Women's Night?" "Oh, he's a lesboy."

See Lena


Gay guy, or guy who like to hang around and go out with lesbians

Jesus Christ, Kev is such a lesboy.

Why is your brother's girlfriend making out with the girl next to her?

'Cause Karl's a lesboy.

See mispelled, sometimes, synonym, gay, man


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