
2022.05.25 11:49

Lithuania to hand over €15.5m worth of armoured vehicles, trucks, SUVs to Ukraine

BNS 2022.05.25 11:49

Lithuanian Defence Ministry and the country’s armed forces will provide twenty M113 armoured personnel carriers, ten military trucks, and ten all-terrain vehicles to Ukraine.

The value of this equipment is estimated at 15.5 million euros, according to the ministry.

“We are handing over armoured personnel carriers, 200 of which have been given to Ukraine by the US. We are also sending trucks and all-terrain vehicles that Ukraine needs. The coordinated support of us and our allies is crucial to Ukraine’s victory,” Defence Minister Arvydas Anušauskas was quoted as saying in a press release.

“Lithuania provided the first arms assistance before the start of the war, and now, we are thinking about additional effective and critical support to the Ukrainians as we go forward,” he added.

Lithuania has so far provided Ukraine with Stinger air defence systems, anti-tank weapons, armoured vests and helmets, 120 mm mortars, small arms, ammunition, thermal imaging cameras, drones, anti-drones, and surveillance radars.

The military assistance provided by Lithuania to Ukraine to date is valued at around 100 million euros.

Lithuania has also started training Ukrainians to use Western weaponry. The first training sessions that involved 20 anti-tank system instructors ended in late April, the ministry said.