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Meet The Twin Brothers Transforming How Iranians Shop

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This article is more than 7 years old.

Buying clothes and kitchenware from a market stall in Iran is one thing, buying cameras and other devices can be risky, which is just one of the reasons twin brothers Hamid and Said Mohammadi are transforming how Iranians shop for consumer electronics, and other goods.

Eight years ago, the 35-year olds founded Iran’s leading startup: Digikala, which means “digital products” in Farsi. Transparency, refunds, and reviews were foreign to most shoppers, which is why the Mohammadi’s started their business, now valued at an estimated $150m.

The brothers are photography buffs, and had saved about a thousand dollars to buy a digital SLR camera. They scoured the Internet for reviews, both amateur and professional, but research was hard to come by. Eventually, they settled on a Nikon D70.

“Finally, we knew what we wanted to buy, but it was only available in one store,” Hamid says.

Just a few months after buying their thousand-dollar camera, there was a problem with the lens. Unfortunately, their story was a familiar one in Iran. The seller had cheated them, switching out the original lens for a cheaper, analog one. It was a bad experience, but Hamid says, it provided the inspiration for Digikala.

“We spent all our money on that camera. That’s how the idea came about. We wanted a website with lots of information and reviews for consumer electronics, and also a good shopping experience, beyond information and reviews. The idea was a combination of CNET and Amazon. We thought it was necessary to have both business models in Digikala because both were a very real problem for Iranians.”

Back then, there was no place to consult, get information and unbiased reviews about complex, consumer products, nor was there a reliable place to buy them. Items like mobile phones, bought from vendors in the bazaar, came with an unofficial, buyer beware label and forget about customer service or returns. Professional and non-professional friends agreed they needed a trusted site for comparing products, images, qualities and features and making purchases.

Both brothers hold marketing MBA’s but neither has lived outside Iran, so the Digikala’s business model was based purely on what they could find on the web, rather than reality. Initially, they focused only on electronics, but they’re expanding into everyday items, like home appliances, books, media, personal care items, toys, gadgets, perfume, even tools.

“We changed the meaning of Digikala from digital products, to choosing and buying products digitally. It was a chance to alter the message,” Hamid explains.

Now, they’re launching a gift selection service, enabling big data to filter and suggest products using other users’ behavior and orders, based on demographic profiles.

Digikala is the darling of Tehran’s energetic startup scene, and has paved the way for other success stories, like Iran’s version of Groupon. But, Hamid says, while Digikala has 80-90% market share of online retail, they’ve still got a lot of work to do capturing those shoppers who still battle traffic.

“We’re working to promote online shopping to the young generation, our target customer group, who haven’t experienced it. We want to make sure we deliver a good shopping experience in cities outside of Tehran.”

To do that, they’re offering free, next-day delivery in Tehran and more than 30 cities, with plans to deliver to more than 100 cities within the next three months, which will cover most of Iran.

Commercial delivery services are cheap; the harder part is competing with offline shops in smaller cities, where trust is the biggest challenge. Customers in cities with distribution centers may pay on delivery, which helps with initial transactions. But smaller cities also equate to smaller orders and spending power. That’s where the new products – books, toys and gadgets, will play a big part – they’re more affordable, and have higher margins. What they’re offering is virtually unheard of in Iran.

“We wanted to be the best price solution for people, so we are offering price matching and a 7-day free return policy. In Iran, this is unusual, but people like it. We have less than 2% return rate. We quality check all products when they enter the warehouse and check again before shipping.”

Until a few months ago, Digikala was successful without any advertising or marketing campaigns. Word of mouth in Iran is powerful, Hamid says, with an impact that may be even greater than in the West.

“If you check the number of user reviews, for example, Samsung’s Galaxy 5, you see more than 2,000 user reviews. If you check Amazon, it’s less than half of that. Iranians like to share their experiences and ideas. They love consumer electronics and gadgets. People come to Digikala not just to shop, but to read and write reviews.”

The brothers started with only $10,000 of their own savings. After just two months, they turned a profit. Digikala has seen more than 200 percent growth year on year in terms of visits, orders and revenues, since launch. Staff has grown to over five hundred. But cultural challenges remain. For many of their 26 and 27-year old employees, Digikala is their first job, which demands a strong HR team to provide customer service training, support, structure, and valuable team-building and incentive programs to fend off competitors. When you’re the industry leader, its tough to poach from others.

The Mohammadi brothers are now using their platform to mentor startups through a local incubator.

“More than mentorship and money, start ups in Tehran need more success stories as motivation.”

If they're all as lucky as the Mohammadis, there will be plenty
