Concern for missing Frightened Rabbit singer

Police Scotland Frightened Rabbit singer Scott HutchisonPolice Scotland

The lead singer of indie band Frightened Rabbit has been reported missing amid concerns for his welfare.

Scott Hutchison, 36, has not been seen since he left the Dakota Hotel in South Queensferry at 01:00 on Wednesday.

The musician, originally from Selkirk in the Scottish Borders but currently based in Glasgow's Dennistoun, is now believed to be in Edinburgh.

His family reported him missing and police in the city are appealing for information on his whereabouts.

His brother and bandmate Grant posted an appeal on Instagram saying the police had Scott's phone but gave no further details.

He wrote: "Has anyone seen my brother/bandmate/best friend? He's in a very fragile state and has been missing since last night and we're all incredibly worried. He was in a hotel in South Queensferry and hasn't been seen or heard from since 1am.

"Please repost and share and get in touch with me @grabbit if you have any info. His phone is with the police. If somehow you are reading this Scott then can you just let someone know you are safe please? We love you very much. Grant x"

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A message on the band's official Twitter page read: "We are worried about Scott, who has been missing for a little while now. He may be in a fragile state and may not be making the best decisions for himself right now."

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'Worrying tweets'

It comes after "worrying" tweets were sent by Scott shortly before he was last seen.

At about 23:00 on Tuesday he wrote: "Be so good to everyone you love. It's not a given. I'm so annoyed that it's not. I didn't live by that standard and it kills me. Please, hug your loved ones."

Minutes later he added: "I'm away now. Thanks."

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The tweets received messages of support for Scott, including one from Edith Bowman, who wrote: "You ok fella? Sending love and a shoulder if you need it."

Police Scotland CCTV of Scott HutchisonPolice Scotland
Scott Hutchison was last seen after visiting the Dakota Hotel in South Queensferry

Insp Graeme Dignan said: "We are keen to locate Scott as soon as possible to ensure he is safe and well and would urge anyone who can assist with our ongoing inquiries to come forward.

"If you believe you have seen him since the early hours of Wednesday morning or know where he currently is, then please contact police immediately.

"I'd also urge Scott to get in touch with family, friends or with police, to let us know he is alright."

CCTV shows Scott at the Dakota Hotel, where he visited before he disappeared.

He is described as white, 6ft tall with a stocky build, dark hair and a thick beard.

He was last seen wearing a dark baseball cap, navy blue hooded jacket, grey or khaki trousers and white trainers.

Frightened Rabbit was originally formed with Scott on vocals and guitar and brother Grant on drums.

New album

The lineup changed with the addition of Billy Kennedy, Andy Monaghan, Simon Liddell and former band member Gordon Skene, who left in 2014 after five years.

They released their debut album Sing the Greys in 2006, and went on to release four more albums.

Scott also released a solo record called Owl John.

Scott and Grant had recently formed a new band called Mastersystem, joining forces with Justin and James Lockey from Editors and Minor Victories.

Their debut album, Dance Music, was released last month.

Scott had also hinted at a sixth Frightened Rabbit album being released before the end of the year, saying they had five or six songs that were coming together.