As people finalise their summer holiday plans, gut health is likely to not feature high on the travel priorities list. But did you know that holiday travel can affect your gut health and digestive system?

Rather than letting poor gut health ruin your fun in the sun, Adrienne Benjamin, lead nutritionist at ProVen Biotics, has spoken about how to keep 'gut lag', traveller’s diarrhoea, constipation and more at bay.

Long haul flights

Adrienne said: “Long haul flights can play havoc with our gut, with added pressure, prolonged sitting in a confined space and the turbulent movement of the plane all impacting how well our digestive system functions. The best way to avoid this is to eat minimally during the flight, drink loads of water while avoiding alcohol and caffeine to remain hydrated, and provide specific support for your gut ahead of flying.

"Including lots of fibre and probiotic foods in your diet can help to support the microbiome and overall digestion before you set off and the simplest way to do this is by taking a probiotic supplement into your routine for a week or two before flying.”

Gut lag

Adrienne said: “Irregular sleep patterns and jet lag can affect your gut as it can impact energy and lead you to eat different foods at different times of the day, which then disrupts your digestive cycle. Recent studies also suggest that poor sleep is associated with imbalanced gut bacteria. Combine this with tiredness from moving between different time zones, and you’re almost guaranteed an upset stomach or constipation.

“Eat as little as possible when flying to avoid indigestion and gassy build up and try to adopt the same eating and sleeping patterns of your destination as soon as you land. As tempting as it is to relax in your hotel room as soon as you land, try and go for a walk or a swim to kick-start your digestive system. Enjoy the local cuisine, but remember that a balanced diet, alongside foods that naturally contain fibre, such as brown rice, nuts and berries, can also help combat ‘gut lag’.”

Tap water and ice

Adrienne said: “It’s best to avoid drinking tap water while on holiday, as it may not be processed in the same way you are used to and can include unfamiliar bacteria which may lead to sickness, stomach pains and diarrhoea. Stick to bottled water from sealed bottles and also avoid ice cubes too, just to be safe. If you want to be extra vigilant, brush your teeth using bottled water and avoid fruits and salads, which may have been washed in tap water.”

Hot weather and dehydration

Adrienne said: “While enjoying the summer sun, it’s important to make sure you stay hydrated. Excess sweating can make us dehydrated and lead to constipation as your body doesn’t contain sufficient water to add to stools, making them harder to pass. It can also lead to bloating and feeling uncomfortable, as your body holds onto water in an attempt to offset the lack of hydration.

“And while we all like to enjoy a few alcoholic drinks whilst on holiday, this can also impact our liver and our digestion and exacerbate dehydration. As a diuretic, alcohol causes your body to remove fluids from your blood at a much quicker rate than other liquids. Therefore try and match your cocktails with a glass of water, to ensure your hydration levels stay topped up.”

Take your supplements

Adrienne said: "Probiotics, often referred to as ‘good bacteria,’ can help restore the natural balance of bacteria in your gut and maintain stool regularity, especially helpful if you are prone to gut health issues such as constipation or diarrhoea."