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President Joe Biden to visit Syracuse following $6.1 billion Micron grant news

U.S. President Joe Biden walks to board Marine One with White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre on the South Lawn of the White House on April 18, 2024 in Washington, DC. Biden is traveling to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to participate in two campaign events. (Photo by Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images)
U.S. President Joe Biden walks to board Marine One with White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre on the South Lawn of the White House on April 18, 2024 in Washington, DC. Biden is traveling to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to participate in two campaign events. (Photo by Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images)
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It's official: President Joe Biden will be visiting Syracuse this Thursday following the news that Micron will receive a $6.1 billion grant under the CHIPS & Science Act.

White House Deputy Communications Director Jennifer Molina confirmed the visit Monday via X, stating, "On Thursday, @POTUS will travel to Syracuse, New York, to discuss how the CHIPS and Science Act and his Investing in America agenda are growing the economy and creating jobs in Central New York and communities across the country."

Micron awarded $6.1 billion grant for mega-fab plants in Central New York

The federal government announced a $6.1 billion grant to Micron has been awarded to start construction on the $100 billion mega-fab site in Clay. President Biden visited Syracuse in October of 2022 to celebrate the initial announcement of that project.

This visit will require heavy police presence and man hours, presenting a massive challenge for local law enforcement who are shattered following the deaths of Syracuse Police Officer Michael Jensen and Onondaga County Lt. Sheriff's Deputy Michael Hoosock, the latter of whom was laid to rest on Monday.

Local lawmakers shared with CNY Central Friday they are unhappy about the timing of the presidential visit, supporting law enforcement's request to postpone the visit so officers have time to rest and grieve.

Republican representatives critical of possible presidential visit after officer deaths

Rep. Brandon Williams shared this statement in response to the news of a potential visit from President Biden:

As the President is aware, our community is still reeling from last week’s tragedy. We lost two heroes in the line of duty. The grant he is coming to tout is worth celebrating, but that must wait until the men and women of our local law enforcement have had time to properly mourn. I stand in complete support with our local police requesting the President’s trip be postponed.

According to Greg Loh, Chief Policy Officer for Mayor Ben Walsh, the mayor has asked Gov. Kathy Hochul for assistance from NYS Troopers.

“The Mayor’s Office did not make a request of the White House or Secret Service. Mayor Walsh asked Governor Hochul for help from the New York State Police who agreed to assist with the visit," Loh said.

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