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Amazon's Fake Review Problem Is Getting Worse

Updated Apr 17, 2019, 04:31am EDT
This article is more than 5 years old.


Amazon's problem with fake reviews shows no signs of abating, with an investigation by the Which? consumer group revealing a flood of fake five-star reviews for tech products.

'Unknown' brands of headphones, dashcams, fitness trackers and smart watches are receiving thousands of reviews; as they're unverified, there's no evidence that the reviewer has even bought or used the product. These brands include  ITSHINY, Vogek and Aitalk.

When Which? searched for headphones, all the products on the first page of results were from unknown brands and almost nine in 10 of more than 12,000 reviews for these products were from unverified purchasers.

One set of headphones, by 'Celebrat', had 439 reviews - all five-star, all unverified, and all appearing on the same day.

"Our research suggests that Amazon is losing the battle against fake reviews – with shoppers bombarded by dubious comments aimed at artificially boosting products from unknown brands," says Natalie Hitchins, Which? head of home products and services.

"Amazon must do more to purge its websites of unreliable and fake reviews if it is to maintain the trust of its millions of customers."

Tommy Noonan, chief technology officer of review analysis form ReviewMeta, tells me he's been seeing this phenomenon himself over the last few months.

Of the 1.8 million unverified reviews posted in March 2019, he says, 99.6% were five-star.  By comparison, during 2017-2018, the number of unverified reviews averaged fewer than 300,000 per month, only 75% of which were five-star.

The flood of fake reviews appears to have really taken off in late 2017, he says. At the time, Amazon told me it was 'investing heavily' in both manual and automated systems to weed out the fakes; this doesn't appear to have had much effect.

"I think what has happened is that some loophole was discovered and currently being exploited on a large scale," he says.

"These sellers know they can get their products on page one of the search results for popular keywords, and it's worth for the short-term sales that this generates."

Amazon uses a combination of human investigators and automation to try and weed out fake reviews, and says it suspends or bans culprits when it finds them. However, Noonan says the company's far too slow to do so.

"Amazon seems to be reactive to the problem," he says.

"Product listings disappear or have all their reviews deleted days, weeks or sometimes even months after the reviews appear.  So far there's no sign of Amazon blocking these unverified reviews."

UPDATE: Amazon has responded to the specifics of ReviewMeta's claims:

"We are able to assess review authenticity by looking at data points like reviewer, seller, or product history which  websites like ReviewMeta do not have access to and therefore cannot concretely determine the authenticity of a review. ReviewMeta itself admits that they do not have the data to know, or even say with high confidence, whether a review is fake which is why they use the term 'Unnatural'. They consider reviews to be 'unnatural' if the customer has only ever submitted one review or if the customer did not purchase the product on Amazon or purchased it at a discount. We have data that disproves with high confidence many of their 'unnatural' categorizations because we have the customer history behind each review."

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