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'The Walking Dead' Review: Because I Could Not Stop For Death

Updated Nov 5, 2012, 10:11am EST
This article is more than 10 years old.

The following post contains spoilers through Episode 4 of AMC's third season of The Walking Dead which originally aired on 11-o4-2012.

AMC's The Walking Dead is pulling no punches in Season 3. But in Sunday night's episode, they pull all the stops out.

This was probably the most brutal episode of the show so far and there have been many. We've seen many main characters die - more than in any television show I can think of.

I suppose this is fitting given it's a show about the zombie apocalypse, but it still takes guts to kill off your leads.

In Killer Within we lose two more, one of whom is a central character.

Lori's death after the zombies breach the prison was a hard one to watch. While not the most sympathetic character in the show, it was especially difficult to know that her death came at the end of a long spell of silence between her and both her husband and son. Certainly Rick will never outlive the guilt of her death and the weeks leading up to that death. Carl will have to live forever haunted - traumatized - by the fact that he pulled the trigger.

T-Dog was never as prominent a figure in The Walking Dead, but it was still a surprise to see him killed off so suddenly.

But as hard as these deaths were to watch, they also give me faith in the show. Season 2 had me a bit concerned. It had high points and low points but didn't resonate with me the way Season 1 had.

In Season 2, Shane's decline and eventual demise were all pretty well telegraphed over the course of the season. You knew things were going to go badly for everyone at the end, that the farm was too good to be true. Some main characters dying off at the season finale wasn't particularly surprising (though the little girl who lost her way and turned up as a Walker was a terrifying twist and a surprisingly good move on the show's part.)

This time around, I didn't see Lori's death coming.

We were all so focused on Hershel, on the possibility that the baby would come and nobody would be able to deliver it. We thought that maybe Lori would lose the baby, not that Lori herself might be lost.

The show earns points for not flinching. The death of such a major character at a time when none of the problems between her and her family had been resolved keeps us on our toes. It makes watching as we go forward much more tense and interesting.

Rick and Carl and the whole group will need some sort of major conflict to get them past their grief and trauma.

I imagine The Governor will provide that for them soon enough.

Speaking of The Governor, he's doing his best to woo the oh-so-gullible Andrea into staying. She seems inclined to trust him and abandon her trust in Michonne despite the latter's having rescued her and taken care of her in dire circumstances for the entire winter.

This is no surprise. Andrea has shown time and again that she is a terrible, terrible judge of character. She'll likely lead The Governor and his men straight to Rick and company. I continue to find myself annoyed beyond measure during each of Andrea's scenes much like I was during the previous season.

Michonne, on the other hand, is pretty much the exact opposite.

All told, a much better episode than last week, and certainly one of the more emotional and intense episodes of the show so far.

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