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Cities Should Think Twice About Expanding Historic Districts

Updated Mar 17, 2021, 09:05am EDT
This article is more than 3 years old.

Last month, the city of Providence, Rhode Island considered an expansion of a historic overlay district near Brown University. Fortunately, the committee decided to delay the expansion to study the issue further. If used appropriately, historic designations can protect significant historical buildings and foster an appreciation for the past. But historic designations, especially when they include entire neighborhoods, can also increase housing prices and prevent important neighborhood adaptation.

The recently considered expansion in Providence would add dozens of buildings to a historic district a couple blocks east of Brown University and north of I-195 in zip code 02906. According to Zillow’s Z Home Value Index, this zip code is already the most expensive one in Providence and the surrounding areas of North Providence, Cranston, East Providence, and Pawtucket. As shown in the figure below, the typical home value in 02906 is $556,000 (black line), more than $120,000 higher than the next highest zip code, 02921, located in Cranston ($430,000, red line) and nearly double the typical home value in the city of Providence ($279,000).

The median household income in the city of Providence is $45,610, meaning the typical home in 02906 is valued at over 12 times the median household’s annual income. This is well above the recommended home price to income ratio of three to four that housing researchers often use as a simple indicator of housing affordability.

Increasing the historic overlay in the southern portion of zip code 02906 is likely to make the area even less affordable than it currently is. The best way to make housing more affordable is to build more of it, but historic designations make it harder and more expensive to build.

Historic districts impose many of the same costs as strict land-use regulations. They limit new housing by restricting the types of buildings that can be constructed and the alterations that can be made to existing buildings. But because they are not as openly exclusionary as other regulations such as minimum lot-sizes or height limits, people rarely recognize the barriers they erect. This creates opportunities for property owners who want to protect their investment from outsiders to team up with preservationists who can provide cover behind an appeal to protect history.

Historic designations also increase the costs of homeownership. A historic designation typically requires property owners to get approval from a commission or board before making repairs or upgrades to their property. In Providence, property owners need to get approval from the Historic District Commission. This process can require submitting multiple applications and attending multiple public hearings. And if approval is denied, property owners often must repeat the process.

This process imposes significant costs on property owners above and beyond the cost of labor and materials required to make the repair or upgrade. It takes time to learn how to navigate and comply with it, and property owners may need to hire legal or architectural experts to provide counsel or required documentation. These costs can be prohibitive for households of modest incomes.

Property owners must also be available to attend the public hearings. This can be a significant burden, especially for busy working parents or those who work non-traditional hours.

Historic designations also impede important adaptation. The stability of historic districts is an attractive amenity for many people, but it is also why historic districts can prevent cities from reaching their potential.

A city’s built environment—housing, roads, parks, commercial buildings—is an important part of its economy and it needs to be flexible to adapt to broader economic changes. In the mid-20th century, many cities, including Providence, lost thousands of people and businesses to suburban communities. Thriving downtowns were becoming extinct.

But over the last 30 years, some cities have rebounded. After five decades of population loss, Providence’s population increased from about 161,000 to 180,000 from 1990 to 2020. Today, cities that are thriving are those that offer people plentiful dining, retail, and other entertainment options. The population of young college-educated people is growing in many cities and old factories and warehouses are being turned into apartments and mixed-use residential and retail space to accommodate them. There is evidence that people value walkable neighborhoods in downtown urban areas and cities that do not want to stagnate should allow developers to build housing to meet this demand.

The high home values in zip code 02906 in Providence indicate that it is a desirable area. If more housing cannot be built there because of historic designations or other regulations, people—especially those with modest incomes—will be forced to live elsewhere, including other cities.

If Providence is going to thrive in the 21st century and beyond, it must be easier, not harder, for people to live in its most desirable and walkable neighborhoods.

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