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Google Invests $280 Million in Fund to Install Home Solar Panels

Updated Feb 14, 2012, 01:23pm EST
This article is more than 10 years old.

Google on Tuesday said it is putting $280 million into a fund to finance the installation of rooftop solar panels for homeowners by Silicon Valley startup SolarCity. The clean tech investment, Google’s biggest yet, follows the search giant’s investment in wind farms and BrightSource Energy’s 370-megawatt Ivanpah solar power plant under construction in the California desert.

“We’ve made several investments in centralized large-scale renewable energy projects so the thing that was particularly attractive to us was that this was large-scale deployment of distributed generation,” Rick Needham, Google’s director of green business operations, said in an interview. “By providing more capital into this innovative business market and by being one of first corporates to do this, we hope others will follow.”

The so-called tax equity fund will finance solar arrays that SolarCity leases to homeowners, allowing them to avoid the high upfront capital costs of going solar. While the photovoltaic systems are owned and operated by SolarCity, Google reaps a 30 percent federal investment tax credit.

To date, financial institutions such as U.S. Bancorp or utilities such as Pacific Gas & Electric have created such tax equity funds to finance solar installations by companies such as SolarCity, SunRun and Sungevity.

Lyndon Rive, SolarCity’s chief executive, said he said he hopes Google’s investment will spur other corporations to put their cash to work financing solar arrays. “They now have an opportunity to look at an investment that gives a good or fair return versus than just leaving it in the bank account,” he said. “It creates immediate job growth and has an environmental impact too.”

The Google fund will finance solar systems to be deployed over the next two years. Solar installations have soared since companies like SolarCity began offering leases. In fact, 80 percent of the 15,000 solar systems the company has installed to date have been through leases.

Google has invested in $680 million to date in various renewable energy projects. Needham said that while the company has put money toward big centralized green power plants, rooftop solar appealed to the Google as it allows carbon-free electricity to be generated where it is consumed, avoiding the need for expensive and environmentally disruptive transmission projections.

“As we looked to the market for interesting areas for investment, one of areas we knew we hadn’t gotten into was distributed solar,” he said.