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Rewriting History: The Psychology Behind Quentin Tarantino's Box Office Power

Updated Jul 30, 2019, 11:08am EDT
This article is more than 4 years old.

When interviewing Quentin Tarantino for The Village Voice back in 2009, Ella Taylor asked Tarantino about how life experiences have affected his work:

"By the time people hit their mid-forties, their parents are growing older, and the more tragic side of life seems to come out more. Does that affect your work?"

The "tragic side of life" doesn't just affect artists, but really anybody trying to exist in this world. Our lives are filled with questions about what we could have done differently with our past. "What role did I play in my mom and dad's divorce?" "Did I choose the right career path?" "How can I do a better job helping those less fortunate than me?"

Those stressors multiply in severity when we extend them outside our micro environments. Sixty-six percent of Americans claim that our nation's future is a significant source of stress, while 57 percent are regularly consumed by our tumultuous political climate. We're stressed about gun violence, about voting rights, about discrimination—and, above all else, people are stressed about whether the leaders of our country will do anything about any of it.

All of that stress induces tension, irritability, headaches—even insomnia. People are completely upended when they look at their own lives, when they look out into the world...and feel helpless.

It's known in psychology circles as emotional overwhelm. In short: we are stressed when we feel we're not in control of our environment. And it's getting worse with each succeeding generation, as the above study notes the unprecedented mental anguish of faced by Generation Z'ers. More than ever, they psychologically extend the problems they face in their personal lives to those larger-than-life social issues.

Basically: we intrinsically believe we have the power to change the world. When we act in a morally acceptable way, we believe we're doing good in the world; when we're unethical, we're making it worse. It's a powerful mental exercise known the power of influence, which helps us to believe we ultimately matter in this world.

And that's why Tarantino's response to Taylor's question interests me so much:

"My movies are painfully personal, but I’m never trying to let you know how personal they are. It’s my job to make it be personal, and also to disguise that so only I or the people who know me know how personal it is...The more I hide it, the more revealing I can be."

That last part really gets me: "The more I hide it, the more revealing I can be." When we think of Quentin Tarantino movies—be it Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill, Iglourious Basterds or Django Unchained—the first thought that comes to mind probably isn't "personal." You might think violent, funny, satiric, masculine. But rarely is our immediate reaction: "Oh wow, I'm learning so much about Quentin Tarantino right now!"

Although...maybe we should think that way. No matter how bloody or campy or ridiculous a movie can be, we're always learning about the artist. Whether it's a film, a book, a painting, a poem, there are always little in-roads that lead towards the artist—there are always clues where we can find the artist "hiding."

Tarantino's emotional attachment to his films reminds me of the power of influence. It's important to be a good influence and to avoid bad influences—but more than anything, it's important to convert bad influences into good ones. "The more good influences with which we surround ourselves, the happier we'll be," writes Alex Lickerman, founder and CEO of ImagineMD. "The more people we 'convert' into good influences (by our own good influence), the more value we will have created, which will also add to our happiness."

I would posit that Tarantino deals with the stressors in his life by recreating history in his image. As savage and nutty and eccentric as his movies can be, there is inherent goodness at the heart of them. His characters make bad decisions, but usually they're on a correction course, or they're looking to make an impact larger than themselves.

That's especially true with Tarantino's latest output, which includes three different movies that rewrite historical events: Inglourious Basterds tackles World War II, Django Unchained takes on slavery, and Once Upon a Time in Hollywood handles the Manson murders of the 1960s. As outlandish as his characters can be, they're all attempting to right the ship of world events that went horribly wrong; they're all looking to put history on a better path that leads somewhere more hopeful and morally correct in the future.

It just so happens that those three movies are the most successful films of Tarantino's career at the box office. Inglourious Basterds made $321.5 million at the global box office, while Django Unchained pulled in an astounding $425.4 million. Then this past weekend, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood had the best opening weekend of Tarantino's career with $41.1 million.

I don't think it's any coincidence that the three movies where Tarantino rewrote history are the movies that drew the most interest from the public. And I think it's because people psychologically respond to Tarantino's desire to recreate versions of our world where good triumphs over evil—where Jewish soldiers kill Hitler, where a slave takes revenge on a plantation, where Hollywood fights back against Charles Manson. That reversal speaks to the little part of us that believes one action can create mass change for the better.

That's the power of influence.

That artistic depiction of the power of influence intrinsically speaks to moviegoers. So while we might not immediately think "personal" when we watch Tarantino's movies, they are in fact so deeply personal in a way we don't even realize while watching. Tarantino's movies become our chance to correct our past mistakes, to convert bad influences into good ones, to shape a better world for the future generations.

And, hopefully, when we walk out of a Tarantino film, we're ready to turn fictional change into real change.

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