View from 10 km above 41°54'N 87°38'W

43.0750,89.2583 43.0750,89.2583 43.8583,88.5750 43.7333,87.6833 43.8250,86.8167 43.0500,86.1417 43.0500,86.1417 43.0750,89.2583 43.0750,89.2583 42.9583,88.3833 42.9250,87.6750 42.9500,86.9833 43.0500,86.1417 43.0500,86.1417 42.5500,90.3000 42.4333,89.0667 42.4000,88.3167 42.3917,87.6750 42.4000,87.0333 42.4250,86.3083 42.5250,85.2000 41.9083,90.1000 41.9250,89.0167 41.9250,88.2917 41.9250,87.6750 41.9250,87.0583 41.9250,86.3583 41.9167,85.3583 41.2833,90.2000 41.4167,89.0333 41.4583,88.3000 41.4667,87.6750 41.4583,87.0500 41.4250,86.3333 41.3083,85.2833 40.8000,89.1667 40.8000,89.1667 40.9167,88.3417 40.9500,87.6750 40.9250,87.0083 40.8250,86.2250 40.3500,84.6250 40.8000,89.1667 40.8000,89.1667 40.1083,88.4833 40.2083,87.6833 40.1333,86.9000 39.5917,85.6750 40.3500,84.6250
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by John Walker