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R·C·謝裏夫 (來源:en.wikipedia.org)
Robert Cedric Sherriff, FSA, FRSL (6 June 1896 – 13 November 1975) was an English writer best known for his play Journey's End, which was based on his ...
R.C. Sherriff是一名編劇,主要作品有《王牌飛行員》《輪到我的那個晚上》《轟炸魯爾水壩記》。
R·C·謝裏夫 (來源:www.rcsherrifftrust.org.uk)
Born in 1896, Mr Robert Cedric (RC) Sherriff, our generous benefactor, was a prolific novelist, playwright and screenwriter.
British dramatist and screenwriter. Began his career as an insurance clerk with the Sun Assurance Company in London. Had a hit with his first play "Journey's ...
R·C·謝裏夫 (來源:www.curtisbrown.co.uk)
Although occupied as a playwright and screenwriter, he did not lose his urge to write novels and he followed the success of his first novel with The Hopkins ...
R·C·謝裏夫 (來源:zh.wikipedia.org)
... c小調鋼琴前奏曲》,成為他於樂壇上的代表作;同年更完成他的《第一鋼琴協奏曲》。1892年,拉赫曼尼諾夫於莫斯科音樂學院第一榮譽畢業,並開始他的作曲生涯。 1897年 ...
Robert Cedric Sherriff was an English writer best known for his play Journey's End which was based on his experiences as a Captain in World War I. He wrote ...
R·C·謝裏夫 (來源:persephonebooks.co.uk)
RC Sherriff, the son of an insurance clerk, was born in 1896 and educated at Kingston Grammar School. He worked in an insurance office until, early in WW1, ...
評分 (127) · US$15.17
Amazon.com: Journey's End: 9781405835626: R. C. Sherriff, N.Ensaff: 圖書. ... R. C. Sherriff 和1. R. C. Sherriff. Author · N.Ensaff. Author. Journey's End. 4.5 ...
R·C·謝裏夫 (來源:www.exploringsurreyspast.org.uk)
On 2 August 1917, during the advance, Sherriff was struck by 52 pieces of shattered concrete from a bombarded pill box. He was the only officer to be wounded ...