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出生資訊1963 年 7 月 18 日(60歲),美國伊利諾伊州喬利埃特
約瑟夫·M·西格爾 (來源:en.wikipedia.org)
Joseph Mark Siegel (born July 18, 1963) is an American prelate of the Catholic Church who has served as bishop of the Diocese of Evansville in Indiana since ...
約瑟夫·M·西格爾 (來源:www.evdio.org)
Joseph M. Siegel, 59, was born in Joliet Ill., on July 18, 1963, and was raised on a farm in Lockport Township. He is the youngest of nine children of ...
時間長度: 4:36
發布時間: 2017年12月11日
約瑟夫·M·西格爾 (來源:www.courierpress.com)
2017年12月15日 · Joseph M. Siegel was formally named the sixth bishop for the Diocese of Evansville.
2019年10月31日 · It is wonderfully appropriate that we open our Diocesan 75th Anniversary Year with the dedication of St. Benedict Cathedral, ...
約瑟夫·M·西格爾 (來源:www.courierpress.com)
2017年12月11日 · Joseph M. Siegel will be installed as the sixth bishop of the Catholic Disoces of Evansville on Friday.
約瑟夫·M·西格爾 (來源:evdiomessage.org)
2022年11月30日 · The Review Board voted unanimously that the allegation was unsubstantiated and recommended that Father Bernie be reinstated to public ministry.
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約瑟夫·M·西格爾 (來源:zh.m.wikipedia.org)
門格勒是篩選當時運抵集中營的囚犯的醫師之一,負責裁決將囚犯送到毒氣室殺死,或者成為強制勞動勞工,並且對集中營裡的人進行殘酷的人體實驗。戰爭結束後,他先是使用 ...