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布萊恩·曼斯菲爾德 (來源:www.aesop.com)
在紐西蘭出生並長大的凱薩琳.曼斯菲爾德,被認為是現代主義文學的偉大作家之一。她很早便展現了對詩歌及短篇小說的文學創作天賦。 在19 歲時,她移居英國並相識了許多 ...
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Brian Mansfield. With over 20 years of experience, Brian is focused on delivering industry-specific solutions that transform Sales, Marketing, and Service teams ...
Music Historian | Storyteller | Journalist | Record Collector | Virtual Tour Guide · 2,328 posts · 4,376 followers · 2,645 following ...
Nashville native Brian Mansfield works as content director for Shore Fire Media, a PR company with offices in Brooklyn, Los Angeles and Nashville that ...
Nationally recognized media professional with expertise in country music, content creation and using data to identify trends and tell stories.
Storyteller. Managing Editor, Country Insider. President, @Historic_Nash. (he/him)
Economic Interdependence and International Conflict: New Perspectives on an Enduring Debate (Michigan Studies In International Political Economy).
Brian Mansfield (born September 24, 1963) is an American writer and journalist. Brian Mansfield. Mansfield in 2017. Born, (1963-09-24) September 24, ...
Teller of stories about Nashville music via the locations where they happened. Journalist covering country radio. VP, Historic Nashville, Inc.
布萊恩·曼斯菲爾德 (來源:hk.trip.com)
曼斯菲爾德是澳洲維多利亞的城市。它擁有很多熱門景點,包括Mansfield Zoo, Lake Eildon, High Country Holiday Park,值得一遊。