"Cold open" (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... cold open rolls before the credits, pitching the viewer into the news story. That's how Elizabeth feels after she finds a body in a house for sale — a victim with a hidden history and few suspects. Mike, Diana, Tom and the rest jump in ...
"Cold open" (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... Cold ; open air ; rest . Phytolacca .... Plumbum Podophyllum .... Pulsatilla .. Rhus tox .. Sanguinaria ... Sepia ...... Silica Spigelia ... Spongia .. Stannum .. Sulphur Sulphuric acid .. Thuja ... Veratrum album .. Veratrum viride ...
"Cold open" (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... Cold Open air . " 87 | 34 10238 * 10055⋆ Cooled in hot water Cold water 167 81 10043 7h34 " " 4071 40 Hot · 562 1 88 27 0068 Hot " 671 212 10004 0187 435 7.0539 10079 Cooled in air tank | 40h | 80 NO . 16. - EXPANSION OF STONES ...
"Cold open" (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... cold open air . Bryon . Sweat from the slightest exercise , even in the cold open air . Calc . carb . Chilliness and sensitiveness to cold air . Camph . Shivering from uncovering and from cold air . Cham . Shaking chill in cold air ...
"Cold open" (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... cold open air . Bryon . Sweat from the slightest exercise , even in the cold open air . Calc . carb . Chilliness and sensitiveness to cold air . Camph . Shivering from uncovering and from cold air . Cham . Shaking chill in cold air ...
"Cold open" (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... cold open a . Bry . , Calc - c . Perspiration light , with chilliness from motion or exposure to cold a . Nux - v . Perspiration on walking in open a . Carbo - an . Perspiration profuse when walking in the open a . or from motion ...
"Cold open" (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... Cold Open , Hot Closed , With Nozzle . Cold Open , Hot Closed , No Nozzle .. 4.3 11.1 19.9 4.1 10.0 17.9 0.9 3.8 9.2 16.1 10.5 17.0 Combination Compression Bath Tub Faucet , Hot and Cold Open , With Nozzle . Hot or Cold Open , With ...
"Cold open" (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... Cold open , hot closed , with nozzle .. 0.9 3.8 9.2 16.1 Cold open , hot closed , no nozzle . 10.5 17.0 Combination compression bath tub faucet : Hot and cold open , with nozzle . 0.94 4.8 11.9 19.4 Hot or cold open , with nozzle ...
"Cold open" (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... Cold Open , Without Nozzle .. 20 20 1.55 6.6 15.8 27.7 Hot and Cold Open , With Nozzle . 1.13 4.5 11.4 19.6 Hot or Cold Open , Without Nozzle 0.86 3.6 7.8 15.1 Hot or Cold Open , With Nozzle .. 0.82 3.1 7.6 13.3 Combination Compression ...