"Regina Scheer" -wikipedia (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... Regina Scheer published an entire book about the history of that house ( Scheer 1993 ) . 2. The close to thirty interviews were not published until today . They are available in the archive of the former KZ Sachsenhausen . References ...
"Regina Scheer" -wikipedia (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... Regina Scheer and Armin D. Steuer , have questioned the unilinearity of Heinz Knobloch's ver- sion and attempted to broaden the frame of reference . The title of an article by Regina Scheer in Wochenpost in November 1988 expresses her ...
"Regina Scheer" -wikipedia (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... Regina Scheer about the Koppenplatz memorial quoted a woman liv- ing in the area : A friend of mine once came to visit . She said , " Hey , that is some nice table over there . I'll take it home . " Well , she must have thought it was ...
"Regina Scheer" -wikipedia (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... Regina Scheer, in her book on the Baum group, records a memory from her school days in 1967 when the twenty-fifth anniversary of the bombing was celebrated publicly in East Berlin with considerable fuss (pp. 266–68). In the course of ...
"Regina Scheer" -wikipedia (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... Regina Scheer (b. 1950) investigated a part of the GDR's repressed history in her book Ahawah. Das vergessene Haus. Spurensuche in der Berliner Auguststraße (1992). In it she follows the traces of the Jewish school which existed in the ...
"Regina Scheer" -wikipedia (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... Regina Scheer , Im Schatten der Sterne : Eine jüdische Widerstandsgruppe ( Berlin : Aufbau - Verlag , 2004 ) , 272 . 24. Konrad Kwiet and Helmut Eschwege , Selbstbehauptung und Widerstand : Deutsche Juden im Kampf um Existenz und ...
"Regina Scheer" -wikipedia (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... Regina Scheer , “ Wir sind die Liebermanns . ” Die Geschichte einer Familie ( Berlin : Ullstein Buchverlage , 2011 ) , 380 . 24. Beata Kosmala , “ Überlebensstrategien jüdischer Frauen in Berlin , ” in Andrea Löw , Doris L. Bergen , and ...
"Regina Scheer" -wikipedia (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... Regina Scheer, contains an extensive listing of minor and major memory sites. She seeks to discover when, by whom, and with what purpose hundreds of sites were created, recreated, and destroyed. Her research should lay to rest claims ...
"Regina Scheer" -wikipedia (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... Regina Scheer, Wir sind die Liebermanns: Die Geschichte einer Familie (Berlin, 2006); Lackmann, Mendelssohns; Marina Sandig, Die Liebermann: Ein biographisches Zeit- und Kulturbild der preußisch-jüdischen Familie und Verwandtschaft von ...
"Regina Scheer" -wikipedia (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... Regina Scheer, “Ich bin kein weltflütiger 'Zigeuner': Legende und Wirklichkeit einer Jugend—über die frühen Prägungen Ernst Thälmanns,” in Monteath, Ernst Thälmann, 43. 7. Wolfgang Benz and Walter H. Pehle, Lexikon des deutschen ...