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1892 Chicago Colts season (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... season, the Mets played more like the Charlie Brown All-Stars than the contending club they were supposed to be ... 1892 Chicago Colts, under manager-first baseman Cap Anson. If the two halves of the National League's split season of ...
1892 Chicago Colts season (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... season, the Mets played more like the Charlie Brown All- Stars than the contending club they were supposed to be ... 1892 Chicago Colts, under manager-first baseman Cap Anson. If If the the two halves of the National League's split season ...
1892 Chicago Colts season (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... season. The league was organized Feb. 2. 187fl. and the first ;ame was ... Chicago, Cincinnati, Louisville, Hartford, St. Louis, the Alh- etics of ... 1892 when the league expanded to 12 clubs and stayed right through. Two Expelled Tlie ...
1892 Chicago Colts season (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... season nor tbe twelve club circuit, and 1 do class, on the third day. is another study in And Bat Out a Victory from Anson's not think tnat the public takes kindly to uncertainties. Gracie Almont, \Vood Martin, Chicago Colts. them. 1 ...
1892 Chicago Colts season (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... Chicago Colts. The cranks Untzlers' Improvements. here can only hope for the ... season opens they will have improved facilities in every department. With ... 1892; mile heats: 2 in 3. Second Day. Wednesday, August 31— No. 6. 2:20 class ...
1892 Chicago Colts season (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... Colts their shirt sleeves — stripped with black out of respect for teammate Jim Um- bricht opening the National — League season ... 1892, but were idle today as the rest of the league got Under way. The world ... Chicago will start Larry ...
1892 Chicago Colts season (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... season. Faustino, 3. 2.14$. will be trained next year alter his stud season ... 1892. -The season of] S92 has been a very successful one lor Homewood Park ... Chicago on the night of December 7. —The Chicago Horse Show, which was to have ...
1892 Chicago Colts season (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... season will open at' St. Louis next Tuesday and tho Ilroii-h's visitors are to be Alison's Chicago colts. The colts have been in training ut Hot Springs for some weeks, uncl as a grout deal of rivalry exist* between St. Louis and Chicago ...
1892 Chicago Colts season (來源:books.google.com.hk)
i In. i Inline. THE CHICAGO COLTS CAPTURE TWO GAMES. The New York Team Wins Two from the Louisvilles. Pirrsnrit;.. May TJ. -This wns another cold, raw Any, wilh ocensionnl vain. Those old ehums, Calvin ami Ptnley, were pitted against ...
1892 Chicago Colts season (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... CHICAGO, April 23. Anson's Colts won au interesting; and closelv contested game from the Phillies to-day. The Colts fielded perfectly, and the good base running of Wilmot and Ryan "won the game. Chicago went first to the bat. Wilmoi ...