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"20 to One" (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... 20— To one day for r county December 21— To oni- day ft r county December 22— To one day for r county December 2i— To one day for r county December 21— To one day for r couuty December 26— To one day for or county Decembtr 27— To one ...
"20 to One" (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... 20— To one day at County House 2 60 January 21 To one day-in the hearing evidence Deborah Robinson case $ 00 January 26— To auditing bills 2 50 January 2T— To one day doing correspondence 3 00 February 2— To one d>iy at County House 2 ...
"20 to One" (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... 20— To one day auditing bills, correspondence, etc 3lay 22— To four days at County House in matter of painting and repairs. May 28— To one day of purchasing paints, lumber for repairs ......... May 29-To one day at County House ...
"20 to One" (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... 20 to one The biggest advance wa's made by Moon- dust whose price went from 40 to one to 22 to one. The Northern Candidates. Good Taste and Brink, were both well supported from--40's at -the. last call over -to 28's tonisht. In contrast ...
"20 to One" (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... 20 to one. He was narrowly beaten by Boyal. also 20 to one and French Squadron at Newmarket this week. Only three horses were quoted for the p?cond half of the double the Cambridgeshire Handlc^n. Lord Bossfaprrv's Fastnet Rork hnads the ...
"20 to One" (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... 20 to one week, and 50 In one season: open season, October IJ to December 1. Grouse (Ruffed;, commonly called pheasant; number by one person, five in one day. 20 In one week and 50 in one season; -open .season, October 15 to December 1 ...
"20 to One" (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... 20 to one against Nltslchln. Be.iiifrerc, Loose Strife. Eraln and Sandals; 22 to one against Rnl de Paris, 25 to one against Statesman and Blandc Arna; 33 to one against Sangulnglc and 40 to one against Scmlnolc and Sanity. For tho ...
"20 to One" (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... 20 to one. A Lloyd's underwriter defended the odds, which were considered hurtful to the candidate's success. He said that so early in the game Lloyd's would offer a similar premium rate against almost any name, except that of a ...
"20 to One" (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... 20 to one official rate of exchange. Scruples against dabbling in the black market vanish fast when confronted with the facts of Chinese economic life. Americans in Shanghai are getting a liberal education in plain and fancy arilhmetic ...
"20 to One" (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... 20 to one. It will become urgent later in Namibia because the population there Is sparse— about a million all told In an area twice the size of Californla-and the disproportion is 10 blacks to one white. The problem Is entirely ...