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Irish Chileans (來源:books.google.com.hk)
Chile Owes a Great Deal to Irish Settlers. By J. M.. /"VTTAWA: Chileans, whose coun- try IB the most recent to break off relations with the Axis, have ever been endowed with a love of freedom. It was in evidence during their war of ...
Irish Chileans (來源:books.google.com.hk)
THE CHILEAN SNARL IN NEW YORK,. , Momentary Interest— How the Message Was ... Chile. The President's message was generally and thoroughly read, even by people who ... Irish vote. At the beginning of a presidential campaign, Irish-American ...
Irish Chileans (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... Chileans are a mixture of "English, Irish, German and French as, well as Spanish. The European nationalities which ... Irish father and Chilean mother. In Santiago you'll find plenty of historic sites,' beautiful parks, excellent golf ...
Irish Chileans (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... Chile which came under his personal observahas. tion. He has known Chile all his life,. has many warm friends among Chileans ... Irish intermarrying with Chileans. Their naval officers have been educated in English naval schools, and are ...
Irish Chileans (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... Chilean vessel by an Irish name. Bernardo O'Higgins, after whom the cruiser is named, was born in Chillian, Chile, in 177s. II0 was tho sou of Ambrose O'Higgms, his mother being a Spaniard. Ambrose O'Higgins was born in County Meath, ...
Irish Chileans (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... Chile stands to lose its victory. However, Ireland apparently agreed to allow Woodsford to play after Chile spotted an ineligible Irish player. So, organizers Donna Russell and Vern Bellinger were perusing score-. ilFGoodrich. Aggressive ...
Irish Chileans (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... Irish-born soldier of fortune whose adventures led him to South America, where he settled, later adopting Ambrosio as a first name and presumably adding the 0; to Higgins to preserve his Irish identity. Bernardo's mother was Chilean ...
Irish Chileans (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... Chile as a pacific power." Dispatches received at the President's office said the base was es- tablished on Grahamsland. which the Chileans call O'HigEtnsIand after their famous soldier-patriot of Irish Irish descent, Bernardo O'Hig ...
Irish Chileans (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... Chileans have made earnest If tardy efforts to do Justice to his ... Irish names are common and famous In Spanish history in the last two ... Irish generals and d Irish statesmen were found in every counu ntry but Ireland. They served ...
Irish Chileans (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... Chileans have some of the free spirit of the French with a touch of Irish temperment. The main street of Santiago, the capital city, is the Boulevard Bernardo O'Higgins, named for a Chilean patriot of Irish descent. THE MIDDLE EAST IS ...