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"Frazil ice" (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... frazil ice on the Yakima River. This is one of the fascinating phenomena of the physics of winter. Standing on the bank you will see a shelf of ice with tendrils extending into the river from the bank. You will also see clumps of ice ...
"Frazil ice" (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... frazil Ice, extending over a wide area, hold the two Harbor Commission tugs, David Seath and Aberdeen, securely In tholr grip off Tarte Pier. No Immediate effort will bo made to release them, as an Investigation of their con- ditlpn has ...
"Frazil ice" (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... frazil ice," have been described as an underwater snowstorm. When frazil ice hits a rock or something else underwater, it may stick. " Frazil ice is especially likely to stick to a rock that is partially out of the water. Imagine a ...
"Frazil ice" (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... frazil ice, are generated in massive amounts in the upper reaches of the river. The frazil ice floats. Why H floods How to MX N > Ice dam accumulates subsurStoat-boxes ooHoct frazH too face sludge, blocking Oil upstream, keeping ...
"Frazil ice" (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... frazil ice occurring in Canadian rivers. Although frazil ice is common, its properties were so little known that the laboratory actually discovered some of them. For example, was observed that congealed frazil ice stronger than the ...
"Frazil ice" (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... frazil ice. author- ities said, although a sharp lookout is being maintained. Frazil ice is formed by thousands of minute ice particles that cluster into solid masses and sink to the river bed. When this type of Ice Is encountered, the ...
"Frazil ice" (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... frazil ice, the vessel is prevented from making a clear run astern. Some years frazil ice forms down river as far as Sorel, 45 land miles from Montreal. The twin-funnelled, oil burning N. B. McLean is one of the largest vessels of her ...
"Frazil ice" (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... frazil Ice Is fine needlp-llke ICP. forming in rivers, that can shut down hydroelectric stations or water works when H coats and blocks gates and Intakes. Frazil Ice or slush Ice forms throughout the water, not as a sheet of ice on the ...
"Frazil ice" (來源:books.google.com.hk)
Mikula Opposite. Heavy frazil ice delayed the progress towards Victoria Pier yesterday of the Icebreakers Mikula and d Saurel, working logothnr In the e ship channel. These two vessels s could bo seen opposite Iho plant f Canadian ...
"Frazil ice" (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... frazil ice only accumulated at the boom one time. However, even that small amount demonstrated that the boom will do what it was created to do. Contrary to popular opinion, the system of four pontoons crossing the river is not designed ...