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"When Radio Was" (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... when radio was king. At 68, white-haired and mustachioed, Shoecraft is an engaging entrepreneur, raconteur, on-air pro and civic-minded world traveler. He's also an example for others, though he insists on minimizing that. When ...
"When Radio Was" (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... when radio was much more real in many of our lives. Remembering good radio, of course, dates me back several years, but almost anything else does the same thing. There's no escaping the fact that I'm no longer a teen-ager. Getting back ...
"When Radio Was" (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... when radio was king. At 68, white-haired and mustachioed, Shoecraft is an engaging entrepreneur, raconteur, on-air pro and civic-minded world traveler. He's also an example for others, though he insists on minimizing that. When ...
"When Radio Was" (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... when radio was king. Signing On is an oral history of radio In Canada made up of the reminiscences of the announcers, technicians, writers and actors who made early broadcasting possible and of listeners whose lives were so affected by ...
"When Radio Was" (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... when radio was af its best/. To my mind no television show can compare with the golden years of radio. The writers -and actors were great, and fired your imagination as you visualized scenes in New York, China or on a Southern plantation ...
"When Radio Was" (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... when radio was king. At 68, white-haired and mustachioed, Shoecraft is an engaging entrepreneur, raconteur, on-air pro and civic-minded world traveler. When Shoecraft started June 1, 1939, just out of Phoenix Union High School, changing ...
"When Radio Was" (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... when radio was king and its DJs ruled the musical landscape. When Richard Neer debuted on New York radio in 1971, the broadcast world was a different place. Right into the '80s, the airwaves — from WNEW-FM in New York KFOG-FM in San ...
"When Radio Was" (來源:books.google.com.hk)
BY .1 HANK SULLIVAN. When radio was very young, people who opened radio stations used any. wave frequency that they happened to select. There was no standardization or* regulation, and most of tho station owners had no real idea of what ...
"When Radio Was" (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... when radio was unknown to Marconi in the year he was a 12-year-old lad itrwas described on page 9119 of the Scientific American Supplement, dated Dec. 11, 1886. It was described in an article, the heading of which reads, "Electric ...
"When Radio Was" (來源:books.google.com.hk)
... When radio was young some scientists 'argued that the tide bands were not real, but faults of the instruments. They are real, a fact jiow universally recognized by radio experts. These "side bands" moreover are the real carriers of the ...