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This a previously-published edition of ASIN B00LBDMKOY

Lily Faust’s world became a nightmare the day she was kidnapped by a vampire. Six months later, she’s been freed…by were-cougars. For Lily, this is the epitome of ‘frying pan to fire’ and for the Russell clan, it’s trouble in a terrified human package.

Ellis Russell wants nothing more than to soothe Lily’s fears and become her friend. But when tension – and passion – flares between them, Ellis has to decide: can he love a human if loving her means letting her go?

Or can he ever let her go?

97 pages, Kindle Edition

First published June 25, 2014

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About the author

Jessica Sims

24 books737 followers
Jessica Sims lives in Texas. She hates writing a bio, so something cool will undoubtedly go here later when she actually thinks of something interesting to write. She has some cats, but what writer doesn’t? She plays video games and confesses to reading comic books. And she likes writing, but that one was pretty obvious.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 54 reviews
Profile Image for Viri.
1,205 reviews440 followers
December 31, 2016
Es que adoro a todos estos cambiantes hermosos y geniales... no puedo esperar s leer sus otras historias pero creo que si digo me voy a saturar u no podré disfrutarlas tanto.

En fin, una historia corta que narra la aparición de "la humana" que fue secuestrada en los anteriores libros. Ella y Ellis son simplemente geniales juntos. Una novela cortita pero bonita... ideal para terminar mi año.
Profile Image for Grecia Robles.
1,613 reviews418 followers
February 22, 2019
Esta es otra novella corta de esta serie y ahora tenemos como protagonistas a Ellis un cambiante puma hermano del prota del primer libro y Lily la humana que fue secuestrada por un vampiro en el tercer libro y fue recastada por los pumas.

Esta novella me ENCANTÓ, yo creo que hasta más que alguno de los libro largos, la disfruté muchísimo.
Ellis y Lily eran geniales juntos, el desarrollo de su relación fue muy bueno.
El único pero que le pongo es que no es más largo y me quedé con ganas de más.
Profile Image for Jennifer.
1,165 reviews596 followers
January 15, 2015
Originally posted at The Book Nympho

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Read It, Track It  is a  way for me to track books for my reading goals and they will be super short.

A good case of Stockholm Syndrome! Ellis might have kidnapped Lily but she stole his heart. CLAWS & EFFECT is sweet & sexy.

Profile Image for Mikky.
826 reviews225 followers
October 1, 2014
Originally posted at:

My Rating: ✮✮✮½

I find Jessica Sims's Midnight Liaisons Series SO cute! They are just the right amount of interesting and the pacing of the story is just right. I also love reading about abused turned strong heroines, so this was a treat for me to read.

For those of you who read the books in this series in order, you might remember Lily from the last book when the vampire kidnapping/dungeon scene happened. She was the girl who had been locked up for a while down there. As you can expect she's terrified and untrusting of every "monster" around her. After a while Ellis happens.

Ellis is a were-cougar that finds his mate in Lily. The beginning was really sweet. She was scared out of her mind and he was talking her ear off trying to get her to open up.

A few things I disliked was how easily the words "I love you" were thrown around towards the end. I understand that they are mates and all, but Lily just got out of a horrific situation and is just starting to get adjusted to her new reality and you expect her to start singing "I love you" after the first week together? I also understand this is fiction, but I like my fiction with a large dose of reality (at least emotionally speaking). Also, if you read the last book, it was mentioned that not all humans survive the transformation. I kept wondering if it was ever going to be mentioned in this novella. Just because it's a short story doesn't mean the author gets to leave out crucial information presented in the last book of the series.

Favorite Quotes:

"He'd confessed his love for me and I'd screamed 'Stockholm Syndrome' in his face".

"Sometimes, I felt more like a guest than a prisoner".

"If it's a hardship I must endure, I'll solider on".
Profile Image for Fanny.
2,331 reviews53 followers
December 20, 2015

Claws & Effect es la sexta novela de la serie Midnight Liaisons de la autora Jessica Sims y tiene como protagonistas a Ellis, un personaje secundario en los libros anteriores y Lily, un nuevo personaje que conocemos brevemente en el tercer libro.
Esta novela me parecio que se desarrollaba mucho mejor que las anteriores, ademas tiene un ritmo mas pausado y lento, lo que nos permite disfrutar mas de la lectura. Ellis fue el protagonista mas dulce, aunque reconozco que con su amor por los animales me tuvo enamorada desde el primer momento.
Ahora a leer el cuarto libro!

3 Estrellas!
Profile Image for mer.
1,415 reviews63 followers
November 11, 2014
3 stars

Ellis (were-cougar) + Lily (human turned were-cougar)

It was a quick read and it focused mostly on heroine's thoughts. Thoughts filled with petrified and traumatized at first after the previous ugly encounter. Well, if I were her, I'd be her as well. Who not, seriously.

She was fine afterwards but maintained on guard and also started to develop feelings to her captor/saviour without knowing herself. Instant attraction and love, of course since it's novella. Oh, Ellis is a nice, gentle and caring guy I want him for myself. Overall, Claws and Effect was a good read.

As to answer the author's question in From the Author about whether I want more of Midnight Liaisons? The answer is... HELL YEAH MORE PLEASE and DON'T STOP. Give me were-dragons this time, if you please Ms. Sims!

Read on your own peril.
Profile Image for Krissy P (Kris).
313 reviews55 followers
June 29, 2014
Meh, more like 3.75 stars:

I thought the H, Ellis was a sweetheart and had a lot of patience and it was a cute novella. I'm a huge fan of Jill Myles a/k/a Jessica Sims. However, if I'm being honest and I know she was scared, Lily's incontinence issues were kind of gross and a huge turn-off. She wet the poor guy's bed and peed on a vampire, eww! While probably a realistic reaction given her circumstances, it's not something I really want to read about.
Profile Image for Archer.
1,375 reviews2 followers
July 12, 2014
It was hot when it was ready to be, it was cute in the parts it needed to be.. But how many times can a grown woman pee herself in 86 pages.

Other than that I'd say 3.5 stars if it'd let me..
Profile Image for Ness.
513 reviews
December 7, 2022
DNF'd at 42%.

Tried to read through it, I was really hoping it would get better, but no, not at all. I had read a different short story of hers a while back that I enjoyed, but this was awful. The writing's not bad, but the characters and their actions are! I don't think it's a spoiler, considering it happens pretty much right away, but [PSA: reading ahead may or may not involve spoilers (I don't really think so, personally, but your mileage may vary), but definitely involves ranting...] the heroine is rescued (or sorta rescues herself; it appears to happen in a previous work I haven't read), and then the "rescuers" keep her captive because they ~"can't trust her free in the world knowing about supernaturals." Seriously?!?! WTF?!?! Do we need to have a sit down about bad guys vs good guys?? Sure, you get books where authors do a great job walking a tight grey line, or have antiheros and do such an exceptional job you like them even when you vilified them earlier. But not here, here the love interest guy is like "oh yeah, I don't agree with this, and if it were up to me, I'd totally let you go, but hey, it's not up to me *shrug* and honestly, it just doesn't bother me enough to make me even think about doing something to help free you. *shrug* Oh, well, whatever, I guess you'll keep being our prisoner forever and ever, it's not like we have a plan where you'll ever get to have your life back or anything, sorry, not-sorry, about your bad luck." NOT likeable. At all. No attempt to see things from the heroine's perspective. Blatant disregard of her as a sentient being that should have agency over her life. I could not stomach any more of it, but I seriously hope she escapes and burns down all their houses on the way or whatever, and idk, something that delivers a major serving of karmic retribution and still leaves her on the high road, too good to out paranormals to unknowing humans.

I know I'm full-on ranting, but seriously, the were-cougars "rescue" the heroine because they're actually there to rescue one of theirs, so apparently kidnapping and imprisonment is wrong when it's done to them, but totally okay if they themselves do it to somebody else. WTF?!?! I can't stand hypocrites. And - Pro Life Tip here - just because you consider yourself to be a "good person" that doesn't make any awful things you do a-0kay. If you're a "good person" doing a deplorable act, that doesn't make it acceptable, it just makes it more likely you're not actually a "good person."

So yeah, totally outraged and livid about this. I mean, I suppose you can cue props to the author for completely sending a fairly mellow person into next week in such a short time. But, LIVID. Still. Weeks later. I will NOT be reading anything of this author's again. And yes, I know I sound like a huffy whiny witch (and my apologies for lack of elegance and prosal poise), but what I read was really that bad, in my (uncharacteristically forceful) opinion. Your mileage may vary; we are, of course, a diverse populace and that makes the world a wonderful place... but yeah, I'm sticking with it's awful (well, in a lot more words).

Borrowed from Kindle Unlimited.
Profile Image for Fran.
950 reviews10 followers
January 19, 2020
Love the author, enjoyed other books in the series...hate this one. I am glad I only borrowed it on KU. I will not be buying it. It goes 1st person, 3rd person, and back like the author wrote in parts, one batch being in one person the next batch in an entirely different voice. Also, true Stockholm syndrome, if I have ever seen/heard/read it. For me to believe otherwise she would be made safe from the vampires, back in college living her normal life and choosing to go back because she wants to. Not because shes there and Ellis is nice. After Andre his being nice was going to cause positive feelings and while she is there with them, or even unsafe from the vampires and shifters, she is going to feel affection to the first person to treat her kindly. Its survival. The trauma leftover from someone so mistreated as to cause Stockholm syndrome was severely downplayed and easily overcome. There was a lack of substance to this. Skip this one and read the others in the series.
Profile Image for Victoria Otero.
171 reviews17 followers
April 5, 2018
I’m a big fan of the Midnight Liaisons series, so I was excited to read Lily and Ellis’ story. It’s a sweet novella that does a good job of portraying Lily’s recovery from a traumatic incident while still being great love story. I really liked it! My one gripe is that the copy editing was not good. There were points in the story where the perspective shifted from first to third person and back in a way that made 0 sense and seemed like an accident, and there were a few typos in the ebook. Those mistakes would take me out of the story, and I had to wait a few seconds before making sense of whatever I just read and going back in. Otherwise, it’s a great story, and I recommend it!
Profile Image for Limecello.
2,159 reviews31 followers
November 9, 2017
This almost read as a ... NA I guess it would be - which ... not my favorite thing. [Also WTF with the heroine's school, you know? Like ... the news, SOMEONE would've done a something...]

But - I liked how realistically her trauma etc was portrayed, although the hero falling in love " " was pretty sudden almost like an on/off switch - hey nothing happened but BY THE WAY I LOVE YOU.

... ok.

But I do really like these shifters.

Profile Image for Kate.
852 reviews33 followers
April 4, 2019
Essentially Stockholm syndrome but I think there's some kind of loophole where if you mention Stockholm syndrome in the text then it can't possibly be that.
I actually enjoyed it. It might not seem like it because of my slight sarcastic review but there's something about this story that kept me reading. I liked the characters and I think had they had a full novel I would have liked them even more.
Profile Image for Janeth.
319 reviews
March 26, 2017
Creo que Lily es la única protagonista con derecho a ser un dolor en el trasero por todo lo que pasó y sin embargo... No lo fue!!! Llamen a emergencias que me desmayo!!
Ellis tan tierno y lindo *-* Claro que me gustó más el gemelo. O ambos, sip, me quedo con ambos.
Me encanta que cada uno tenga una historia, pero como dice sexy Beau... Solo los Russell transforman! jajaja
Profile Image for Chelsea B..
532 reviews93 followers
May 5, 2018
It's funny-- I really, really enjoyed this novella, but at one point I thought...this feels a bit Stockholm Syndrome-y. And then the heroine said the exact same thing! I was like yes, ok, it's being addressed, I can continue on xD Otherwise I super loved this shifter romance.
907 reviews17 followers
March 10, 2021
This one was more serious and darker in content, but still had those lovely sweet moments. My biggest complaint is that it was too short. The romance didn't work as much for me because it all happened so fast.
Profile Image for LB.
118 reviews6 followers
September 26, 2017
I was fine with this until the end when she goes all Stockholm Syndrome and the trauma of being held captive and falling in love with her captor is never adequately addressed. I would have been much happier if he had actually let her go and she decided on her own to come back to him.
Profile Image for Esperanza Sanchez.
121 reviews5 followers
March 24, 2017
Me gustó, pues es realista en ciertos aspectos pero uno de los grandes problemas con las historias cortas de esta autora es que todo es muy rápido. Nos cuentan del personaje, los problemas, el enamoramiento, la situación peligros y el final feliz. Que no me quejo solo que me gustaría que fueran un poco más largas y más desarrolladas.
Profile Image for CARLA.
991 reviews41 followers
August 18, 2018

I liked this one but I kinda felt a little off about her falling in love with her captor. I mean, I liked him well enough, and he did try to right be her in the end. But it felt like it was too little too late for me.

Ellis was a bit entitled I felt. And Lily was too weak minded for my tastes. I did appreciate how many times she attempted to get away, even if the last one was half hearted. The story was well told though and skept my attention even if I found the characters lacking for my personal tastes.

I guess I just didn’t understand the whole, we have to kill her know that she knows about us. It didn’t seem like a strong enough reason to hold her to me. At any rate, I’m definetley reading the rest in this series, in fact, I’ve already read quite a few more. Gotta love KU!
Profile Image for Melindeeloo.
3,175 reviews160 followers
February 20, 2015
3.5 stars- I have yet to read one of the full length books in this series but I do like the shorts and I did enjoy this one on the whole even though I had a few minor issues with a few aspects of the story.

Lily's date with a distinguished older man she met through online dating did not end well, she ends up a blood slave to a vampire and survives where others don't, by being compliant, but planning for escape. And just before she gets too weak, she gets her opportunity and stakes her captor and flees only to pass out and wake up chained and captive to a shifter clan. When Ellis finds that his twin has chained the poor traumatized woman, he takes over her care and uses his years as a vet to try and win her trust. As Lily regains her strength she plots to escape by seducing Ellis, but doesn't expect to be so attracted to him.

The fact that the relationship develops when Lily is a prisoner (for her own safety) makes this a little bit uncomfortable, though Lily does stop Ellis when he tries to move forward with their relationship, pointing out that she can't know how she really feels in situation where she isn't actually free to choose. But the biggest ewww factor for me is that initially on her first day with the shifters and later when she is being kidnapped yet again, she pees herself. It is probably a realistic reaction in the first caat and sort of clever if icky strategy in the second, but again ewwww.

Still, one the whole I still enjoyed this and look forward to more little fillin stories in this world, Sims does a good job of making them feel long enough.
607 reviews5 followers
July 17, 2014
** Spoilers **

I've read most, if not all, of the the books in this series. I really did not like this one.

My issue that Lily never had any choice. There is a mention of Stockholm Syndrome during the book and I think it has some accuracy. Lily goes from being abducted, kept prisoner, abused and in fear of her life to kept prisoner, looked after but not reassured in any way. How is this a good starting point for a romance with a captor???

What this book needed was some explanations. If Beau, or Ellis, had ever sat down with Lily and said "Here's what's going on, here's what the problem is, here's what we need to do". This would have been great. Instead, Lily is mushroom central.

I greatly disliked that Lily was kept uninformed and was never given any options. I do not believe that a week without Ellis and instead visited by other members of the clan, constituted enough time or distance to make a believable decision regarding Lily mating and being changed. And let's not forget they FORGOT to inform her that she'd become a millionaire. Would that be because it might have given her options?

I really did not like this book. Given it is a novella, I will likely try the next full novel in the series, but I sincerely hope it has none of the issues this book does.
Profile Image for 8o's.
441 reviews17 followers
June 27, 2014
Claws & Effect is a novella set in Jessica Sim's Midnight Liaisions world. The book can be read as a stand alone book but it would help to at least read the first book in the series to get an understanding of this shifter world. There isn't a lot of back story in this novella so if you aren't familiar with the Russell family you might get a little confused.

But as a fan of this series, I totally loved the story. I am glad Lily got her HEA after saving the day in Must Love Fangs. For being a novella, this story packed a lot of punch. In Claws & Effect Lily is basically held captive again after being freed from the bad vamp Andre. Yeah the Russells are keeping her safe but no one takes the time to explain that to her so she feels like she is being held captive again...which technically she is. So even though I love the Russells, they all need to take some sensitivity training classes and maybe a refresher course in communication skills.

Claws & Effect also has some cameo appearances by Miko and her guys, which always makes me happy because they are still my personal favorite characters. Highly recommend this novella and this series!!!
Profile Image for Dotti Elrick.
1,313 reviews15 followers
August 11, 2014
Claws and Effect is a short story set in the world of The Midnight Liaisons world. A dating service for the supernatural.
But Lily isn't a client, in fact she would be much happier if she never knew the supernaturals ever existed.
We first met Lily in Must Have Fangs. She had been kidnapped and held for six months by a vampire, as a warm and ready meal. She was rescued by members of the Russell Clan. Cougar shifters.
As a human, Lily knows too much about their world, she can't be returned to her old life. She is also physically and mentally still recovering from what she endured at the hands of the vampire. Enter Ellis Russell. Handsome, tattooed, a vet, a twin and very sexy. He's gentle and kind to Lily, understanding what she went through, treating her with kid gloves.
The more time they spend together, the closer they become, the more Lily starts to like and trust Ellis. It all comes crashing down when Ellis wants to claim her as his. Lily wants nothing to do with belonging to anyone but herself ever again.
This is a very fun, sexy series. If you haven't read the earlier books, I would highly recommend them.
1,254 reviews1 follower
January 5, 2016
egads this was a bad one. First of all the heroine is given no dignity whatsoever. Her reactions are only one step above abused animals and while it's understandable it doesn't make her a very appealing read especially since she never actually finds her feet. The romance was equally bad...even the heroine calls it. This is totally stockholm syndrome. She literally just went from one prison to another. The shifters didn't say word one to her about why they were holding her captive or anything that was happening in regards to her life. They treat her like a child at best and a pet at worst. The i love you just came absolutely out of nowhere and i didn't buy their true feelings at all. The single sex scene involved him biting her lady bits to try and change her....HE BIT HER VAGINA how in the hell is this supposed to be sexy?! Even the writing wasn't up to her normal standards....a bummer all around
Bottom line: i officially quit her shorts but i do highly recommend the whole numbered books
Profile Image for Donna.
3,893 reviews51 followers
July 27, 2014
This is a short sweet PNR that takes place in the world of Jessica Sims Midnight Liaisons but has nothing to do with the dating service. It can be read as a standalone but it is better if you have at least read Must Love Fangs (Midnight Liaisons #3).
All Lily wanted was a life what she got was six months of hell when her internet date turned out to be a vampire who kidnapped her. Now she has been rescued sort of. She is no longer captive to the psycho vampire but now she is being held captive by the werecougars who rescued her.
Sexy werecougar Ellis can’t help but falling for Lily but now he has to convince her that she isn’t a captive but has captured his heart. A sweet sexy win from Jessica Sims.
Profile Image for rj.
683 reviews334 followers
November 16, 2014
Short, sweet paranormal novella

I always like reading about the tortured (sometimes literally) heroine and the uber-sweet hero who brings her back to life.

I love heros like Ellis, who are good to the heroine from the get-go. He was super patient and kind.


The heroine on the other hand... I can understand why she was like that because of her circumstances so I won't give her shit.

Overall, this was a great novella to pass the time and I will be checking back for future books!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 54 reviews

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