Amy's Reviews > Immortal City

Immortal City by Scott Speer
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bookshelves: january-resolution-kick-start, kindle-copy-only

This was an action packed read with a lot of ups and downs!

Maddy lives a simple life, her parents died when she was young so she has lived with her Uncle Kevin and worked at his Diner for as long as she can remember. Her home overlooks The Immortal City sign which was put in place when Angel's made themselves known to humans over a hundred years ago. They have created a trade from being 'guardians' to the rich which in turn made them famous. Everyone wants to be protected by them, look as beautiful as they do and live the lavish lifestyle they have created for themselves. Apart from Maddy. She see's it for what it really is, extortionate and unfair to those who cannot afford to protect their loved ones. However, Maddy meets Jackson Godspeed one of the most elite Angels when he turns up at her Diner one night and they instantly feel a connection. Maddy realises that she's more involved in the Angel world than she could ever imagine and her and Jackson must flee to survive.

I didn't like Maddy or Jackson that much if I'm honest. Maddy's voice was harsh especially towards Jackson which didn't help me buy into their relationship. They didn't connect at all really, he turns up and she falls instantly in love with him. I was fed up with Jackson asking Maddy if she felt their attraction to each other like he did as if he thought that they were soul mates. They spent most of their time together arguing about how popular Jacks was and how everything was one or the others fault. However, saying all that they did watch out for one another and trust that they would both do the right thing for the other. Jackson was funny at times, Maddy was hard working and very mature for her age.

The storyline was amazing, I loved the idea of the Angels protecting the rich and the obsession most humans had with them was even more intriguing. I don't usually enjoy seeing an insight from a police detective in novels such as this one but Sylvester's was warranted. The 'demon' was actually scary to me and when it was terrorising Maddy and Jackson in the school I was on tenterhooks. Even thought this book was predictable at times I didn't see the plot twist coming at all and the story was woven together very nicely. I'm excited to read the next one as soon as possible as I can't wait to know what happens to Maddy next!
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Reading Progress

January 22, 2016 – Started Reading
January 22, 2016 – Shelved
January 22, 2016 – Shelved as: january-resolution-kick-start
January 22, 2016 – Shelved as: kindle-copy-only
January 24, 2016 –
37.0% "There was a promising start but now things have gone downhill with the romance, it's just too cheesy!"
January 24, 2016 – Finished Reading

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