Blondish And Bookish's Reviews > Flossie and Bossie

Flossie and Bossie by Eva Le Gallienne
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it was amazing

One of the most charming children's books ever written. It is truly a shame that this book is not back in print!

I found an old copy of this in the library as a kid, and read it over and over (until it disappeared). I searched for it for years as ad adult and finally found a copy (yes, I admit it, I obsessively tracked down a book for children—about CHICKENS!)

Yup, this beautifully written book is about two Bantam hens, Flossie and Bossie. Flossie is scrawny and missing some of her dull-black feathers. She is timid and shy, sweet and good—and the rest of the flock makes fun of her. Bossie, on the other hand, is the leader of the flock, and frequently the instigator of the cruelty. She is beautiful and arrogant and mean. The only thing Flossie and Bossie have in common is that both of them long to be mothers.

When both of them are removed from the henhouse by the “Hands” and placed in a special coop for hatching eggs, conflicts start almost from the moment the eggs hatch. Bossie's strong will and confident cruelty goes up against Flossie's pacifism and her shy courage.

What is wonderful about this book: First, the story. It's just a darn good story! Full of adventure, battles, betrayal, courage, and all kinds of love. Second, while the book is almost 70 years old, the themes are true for today, and most especially the anti-bullying message really rings true. Third, this is a great story to read to kids, and for fans of books like 101 Dalmations (the original book), Stuart Little, Charlotte's Web, Bambi, Rascal, or Lad a Dog.

Written in 1949, the story is not dated, and holds up to the test of time. Absolutely marvelous book!
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