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Saving the Jews: Amazing Stories of Men and Women who Defied the Final Solution

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During the Holocaust's long nights there were gentiles in every corner of Europe who saved Jews. This is their story.

160 pages, Hardcover

First published November 1, 2000

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Mordecai Paldiel

19 books6 followers

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Profile Image for Anne Vandenbrink.
352 reviews6 followers
December 24, 2020
Stories of survival. Many non-Jews risked their lives, going against society to save Jews across countries invaded by Hitler. Sympathetic people that would hide them, officials that would bend the rules to grant visas to allow them an escape, people who followed their own conscience. A French priest who helped families escape from France into Switzerland. A Lithuanian carpenter who hid 12 Jews and was later assassinated for doing so. A Turkish consul general in Rhodes who saved 50 Jews by declaring them to be Turks. A nun who would shelter Jewish orphans and give each one a kiss goodnight. The stories of compassion and courage are endless. Many tried to sound the alarm, to expose the horrors to officials of other countries, to warn the world. They were ignored for fear of damaging their country's relations with Germany and retaliation by Hitler
Profile Image for Adi Tiono.
3 reviews
January 28, 2020
2 families, 50 years apart, saved each other's lives from 2 genocides.We can - and we have to - learn a lot from them
Displaying 1 - 2 of 2 reviews

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