
St. Croix Chippewa Tribe removes 10 people from rolls amid debate

Members of the St. Croix Chippewa Tribe of Wisconsin helped celebrate the Cumberland School District celebrate Native American Week in April 2016. Photo from Facebook

The St. Croix Chippewa Tribe of Wisconsin is defending the removal of 10 people from the rolls as it asks members about a seemingly-high blood quantum standard.

The 10 were disenrolled because they did not meet membership standards, an attorney for the council told The Washburn County Register. But Dora Mosay Ammann, whose adult children were among those removed, said the decision was political.

"It depends on who is on the council at the time," Ammann told the paper.

Ammann said her two children were removed 30 years ago before they regained enrollment three years ago only to see it taken away six months ago. They are among five people who have filed an appeal that will be heard by a judge from another tribe, the paper reported.

The tribe, meanwhile, has asked members about its blood quantum standard, the paper said. According to the American Indian Enterprise & Business Council, St. Croix is just one of six nationwide with a one-half blood requirement.

The tribe has about 1,000 members and currently has a moratorium on enrolling adults, according to the tribe's website.

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Tribal disenrollment challenge to go before Stockbridge-Munsee judge (The Washburn County Register / Inter-County Leader 6/28)

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