Christina Aguilera's New 'Keeps Gettin' Better' Look: Better Than Before, Or Not So Much?

Above we have the cover of Christina Aguilera's upcoming greatest hits album, Keeps Gettin' Better, which comes out September 30th at Target, or The 'Jay, if you're down. And I know you are.

And it appears that someone went bonkers with the frosted bubblegum lipstick, sacrificed a peacock for her false eyelashes, and trapped X-tines inside of a mod spacesuit. And that someone, by the way, at least indirectly, was Ellen von Unwerth, who specializes in erotica (boobies! groupies! woo!) and also photographed Britney Spears' Blackout cover.

Watch Christina Aguilera's 2008 VMA performance -- 'tis a medley of "Genie In a Bottle" and "Keeps Gettin' Better," and the original "Genie In a Bottle" -- the hit that put her on the map! -- and watch her discuss her new look.

And tell me, whatcha thoughts on Christina's reinvention from naughty teen-dream genie to dirrty twisted sister to Vargas Girl to femmey spacebot? Do share!

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