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Budhia Singh, Marathon Boy
Indian boy Budhia Singh, who featured in the film Marathon Boy. Photograph: Dibyangshu Sarkar/AFP/Getty Images
Indian boy Budhia Singh, who featured in the film Marathon Boy. Photograph: Dibyangshu Sarkar/AFP/Getty Images

Ten of the best running documentaries

This article is more than 11 years old
From the man who ran 50 marathons in 50 states in 50 days, to the Indian boy who had run 48 marathons by the age of four, documentary-makers across the globe have uncovered tales of extraordinary endurance

Even when it comes to the simple act of running, truth is stranger than fiction. After last week's rundown of 10 of the best fiction films, today we explore the documentary category, which reveals an array of extraordinary treks, exhilarating tales and examples of dogged endurance. Determined documentarians across the globe have uncovered a 97-year-old mountain runner, cancer survivors, an Indian child prodigy and a host of others as they trot, stagger and sprint through the streets of New York, the mountains of Ethiopia and the hot sands of the Sahara.

Here are 10 to seek out.

Run For Your Life

The story of how Jewish immigrant and eccentric showman Fred Lebow took the New York Marathon from a bunch of blokes pounding the streets of the Bronx to the mammoth international running event it is today. An affectionate portrait of man and marathon, the film weaves anecdotes from running greats such as Alberto Salazar and Grete Waitz into archival footage to forge a lively tale of New York's running history. Lebow, of course, steals the show.

Spirit of the Marathon

From New York to Illinois, where documentary film-maker Jon Dunham follows six competitors in the 2005 Chicago Marathon. Elite runners Deena Kastor and Daniel Njenga share screen time with local amateur runners, some competing in their first marathons. Brutal training regimes and the dreaded ITB syndrome feature in a story that celebrates the often life-changing effects marathon running can have on the average joe.

Marathon Boy

The astonishing story of Budhia Singh, the little Indian boy who had run 48 marathons by the age of four. Budhia was sold by his impoverished mother for 800 rupees to a peddlar, and was then spotted by Biranchi Das, a local judo coach. Das adopted Singh and nurtured his running – and his fame. Unfortunately, the rags-to-riches story collapsed when Das was accused of exploiting Singh for financial gain and the story took a decidedly darker turn . Greed and corruption are woven through this riveting and complex documentary by Gemma Atwal.

Personal Best

Released just before London hosted the Olympics in 2012, Sam Blair's lean study follows four British sprinters as they compete to represent their country at the games. A moody, ambient soundtrack by Lukid thuds over mesmerising slow-motion cinematography, showcasing the strain of every muscle. An atmospheric, empathetic documentary that exposes the hopes, fears, grit and pain of athletes pushing for physical, mental and social transcendence through their sport.

Ultramarathon Man

50 marathons in 50 states in 50 days. That's the challenge set out by the indefatigable speaker, author, entrepreneur and athlete Dean Karnazes. Dean had form here, having previously run for 350 miles as well as undertaking marathons in sub-zero Antarctica and blazing desert heat. However, this film is as much about who he meets on his journey – such as Amy Dodson, who lost a leg and lung to cancer in her teens but still competes regardless. Inspirational stuff.

Town of Runners

A distanced and subtle observation of young runners in the Ethiopian highland town of Bekoji, famed for producing some of the world's greatest distance athletes, including Tirunesh Dibaba, Kenenisa Bekele and Derartu Tulu. Director Jerry Rothwell follows two young girls, Hawi and Alemi, as they vie to follow in the footsteps of the Bekoji greats. Guided by Sentayhu Eshetu, the town's talent spotter and coach, the girls are driven by desire and aspiration, and are at times crippled by uncertainty as the roots of distance running are laid bare in the African mountains.

Running the Sahara

Matt Damon narrates the story of Charlie Engle, Ray Zahab and Kevin Lin as they battle sandstorms and injury to cross the vast Sahara desert. The documentary explores the mind-boggling challenges of such a momentous feat, while the encounters with the people of the Sahara and their own difficulties add a layer of contemplation to an already gripping adventure.

Steve Prefontaine: Fire on the Track

Subject of not one but two movies in our top-10 fiction films last week, Steve Prefontaine also features in this excellent documentary. Why is Pre's story seemingly the most documented? Whether it's the rebellious charisma of the man or the tragedy of his premature death, Prefontaine's legend lives on here through the anecdotes of his coaches, family, friends and rivals.

Running on the Sun: The Badwater 135

Gory blister shots are a highlight in Mel Stuart's account of the the Badwater 135, often described as one of the world's toughest ultra marathons. The Badwater, an 135-mile trek through Death Valley in July, where temperatures can get up to 50C, draws runners from all over the world. They don't even compete for a prize. Running on the Sun is a limping, grinding and terrifying testament to the masochistic insanity of the running-obsessed.

The Dipsea Demon

It may not be the slickest documentary but there is something beguiling in the story of Jack Kirk, aka The Dipsea Demon. Kirk competed in 68 consecutive gruelling Dipsea Mountain Races between 1930 and 2002. He was 97 in his last one. Kirk, who lived alone in the Sierra foothills with no running water and no electricity, was a fierce and bloody-minded individual who spoke to runners everywhere when he said: "You don't stop running 'cause you get old. You get old if you stop running!"

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