Pop review: Daphne Guinness: Daphne & The Golden Chord

Daphne Guinness found sanctuary in songwriting
Daphne Guinness found sanctuary in songwriting


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Had Marc Bolan been a high-born lady with a cut-glass voice and a career in fashion, rather than a north London mod with corkscrew hair and an overactive imagination, he might well have made an album like this.

Daphne Guinness, a scion of the brewing family, has been crucial in the development of British fashion’s most visionary figures, assisting the stylist Isabella Blow and becoming friend and adviser to Alexander McQueen. After Blow and McQueen committed suicide and her brother Jasper died, Guinness sought sanctuary in songwriting, resulting in the gothic-tinged 2016 album Optimist in Black.

Now she has made a far more upbeat and colourful album with the former Bolan and Bowie producer Tony Visconti, on which a glam rock sound holds