disney reboot

Don't Worry: Mulan Will Not Feature a White Male Lead

A source close to the project denied the rumor that swept the Internet Monday.
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A scene from Mulan.From Marka/Alamy.

Disney recently began its search for a leading lady to star in its upcoming live-action version of Mulan—an actress that, the studio clarified, will definitely be Chinese. That declaration eased concerns that the film might end up whitewashing a story based in Chinese legend, like several films that have come before it. Much of that goodwill dissipated, though, on Monday, when rumors flew that the film will feature a white male lead. Now a source close to the project has confirmed to Vanity Fair that the lead love interest in the film will be a Chinese character after all.

On Monday, someone who said they had read a Mulan spec script posted an anonymous open letter to the site Angry Asian Man. The post claimed that the script featured a white savior type, a “30-something European trader” who falls in love with a teenage Mulan. Actor Joel De La Fuente tweeted in support of the article, sharing that he also read the spec script. “I can back you up on what you’re saying. I confirm everything you said about that draft.”

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A source, however, tells V.F. that the spec script will not serve as the official script for the adaptation. “The spec script was a jumping-off point for a new take on the story that draws from both the literary ballad of Mulan and Disney’s 1998 animated film," the source said. "Mulan is and will always be the lead character in the story, and all primary roles, including the love interest, are Chinese.”

The statement seems to confirm that the spec script might have included a white male lead, which would have been disappointing had it come to fruition. However, fans should be glad to know that when the live-action movie itself eventually hits theaters, Mulan's story will stay true to the character's roots.