Amazing Amy

Amy Schumer Celebrates Emmy Win with Massive Multi-Million-Dollar Book Deal

The year of Amy is far from over.
This image may contain Amy Schumer Human and Person
By Kevin Winter/Getty Images2015 Getty Images

Having successfully conquered the worlds of television and film, Amy Schumer is coming for another medium. While it may not score her an EGOT (can we lobby to add Pulitzer to that list? EGOPT?), Schumer just landed a reportedly seven-figure book deal.

Entertainment Weekly reports that a collection of humorous essays, shopped around town by Schumer and her agent, David Kuhn, just scored a bid between $8 and $10 million from a mystery publisher. While any of the big publishing houses would be fools not to strike while the Schumer iron is hot, a likely front-runner here is Penguin Random House, which released both Lena Dunham’s and Mindy Kaling’s first books. Dunham’s $3.6 million book deal was particularly controversial, and it will be interesting to see if Schumer—much more a media darling than Dunham ever was—draws even half the critique for double or triple the money.

Hot off the box-office success of Trainwreck and her big Emmy win, Schumer has an unusual amount of muscle for a first-time author. According to reports, editors had to sign a non-disclosure agreement in order to get their hands on Schumer’s essays and offer up a bid before even meeting with the comedian. But all the hoop-jumping and stacks of money will likely pay off, as Schumer seems to be on a can’t-lose streak and could easily match or maybe even surpass the big numbers that books like Amy Poehler’s Yes Please and Tina Fey’s Bossypants brought in for HarperCollins and Hachette, respectively. If Schumer can somehow rope in close friend and writing partner Jennifer Lawrence ? I think we have a bona fide hit on our hands.