gun control

Lena Dunham Is in Favor of Removing All Guns from Jason Bourne Movie Posters

The actress advocated for the removal of firearms on Instagram.
Image may contain Human Person Musical Instrument Musician Leisure Activities Plant and Finger
By Brian Ach/Getty Images.

Lena Dunham is done with guns, and she's showing her support for anyone joining her ranks. Producer Tami Sagher, who worked on three seasons of Girls, put out a call on Instagram yesterday urging for all posters promoting Jason Bourne, the latest in the Bourne franchise, to be stripped of the image of a gun. She wrote: "Hey New Yorkers, what if we do some peeling & get rid of the guns in the Jason Bourne subway ads. So tired of guns." And Dunham quickly hopped on board to show her support of the proposal.

"Good idea @tulipbone! Let's go!" Dunham wrote alongside Sagher's photo of the torn-off gun. The ads, which show Bourne star, Matt Damon, pointing a gun toward passersby, are understandably ill-received during a summer where shootings continue to devastate the U.S.

This is not surprising coming from Dunham; in April, her newsletter, Lenny Letter, featured an essay from actress _Julianne Moore, explaining her personal feelings about the need for better gun safety regulations. Through this piece, she and Dunham made a push for readers to join Everytown, an organization that fights for gun safety across communities.

And Damon himself has spoken out for stricter gun laws, telling the Sydney Morning Herald that he wanted to see a future where easy access to heavy artillery wasn't the norm. "People get so emotional that even when you make a suggestion about not selling AK47s to people on terror watch lists, that's a non-starter. I don't know what needs to happen. Obviously mass shootings aren't going to do it," Damon said.

Perhaps he, too, might be on board with Sagher and Dunham's call for some change here. After all, there have certainly been enough action-movie posters featuring egregiously large firearms. The Purge: Election Year one-sheet featured a giddy-looking, gun-toting Uncle Sam, an image met with backlash considering the all-too-real gun violence happening in our country almost every day. Considering the headlines, perhaps America is ready for a change of scenery.