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Your home of Czech Music, Language, Recipes, & Traditions

Czech out the CDs, DVDs, T-Shirts, Bumper Stickers, Mugs
Czech out the Europe Tour section for more info ...

Welcome to www.texasczechs.com!  To all you lovers of Czech Music and culture, these pages are for you. Here you find the lyrics to your favorite Czech songs and relive all of those Czech Phrases you heard before.  Also check out the new Texas Czechs Gift Shop.

In the Events section, you will find dates and locations of various annual Czech picnics and festivals. Enjoy photos taken at these functions.  Now, while we like to dance and talk, we also like to eat that good ole Czech home-cooked food. Czech out our selection of Recipes. While we Czechs love living in today, our History is not to be forgotten: selected snippets from the past can be found on the history page.  

Interested in going to Europe? The Czech Republic? Slovakia? Go to the EUROPE TOURS section.

This site is created by Our Team. If you are interested in becoming a Sponsor to help us out, please Contact us.

We need your support for future expansion!  The future of www.texasczechs.com depends upon its donors.  Donations start at just $20.

Přijeďte zas!  Come again!

New Videos coming Soon ...
featuring making Kolaches ... and also making Czech Sausage.

Check out our new Videos section!

Basic Czech Phrases - Lesson 1
with Terka & Eda!


Basic Czech Phrases - Lesson 2
with Jarek & Chris!


Lenka & Jarek Galar
visit Judge Ronald Leck.

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