M.L. Stedman signs my book, The Light Between Oceans 8.15.2013

Whatchu mean I can't take pics? Fine. I'll just take them when you're not looking.

Whatchu mean I can’t take pics? Fine. I’ll just take ’em when you’re not looking.

(started reading on 8/7/2013, finished reading 8/23/2013)

August book club selection.

August Book Babes selection.

BookfessionsChica’s Rating: ***
Book Babes Book Club’s August Selection
BookfessionsChica’s Recommendation: Read it! The Light Between Oceans produced the most thought-provoking and passionate, but friendly, discussion the Book Babes have had so far.
BookfessionsChica’s Recap: As July approached, I began to get excited because August was going to be my month to host book club. But by mid-July, I still wasn’t sure which book I was going to select for the Book Babes to read. I’d like to say that I wanted to select a book that everyone was going to enjoy, but I’m a selfish bookworm and didn’t really care if they’d like it or not, as long as I liked it. I began by browsing my goodreads.com to-read list. Then by sheer luck, while searching for upcoming author events, I came across a signing for M.L. Stedman’s The Light Between Oceans, which also happened to be on my to-read list as well! And with that, I had selected our read for August. Whoot!

M.L. Stedman’s event was held on August 15th, about a week before book club. Some of the Book Babes were also interested in attending, so we made a little fieldtrip out of it and, of course, got drinks beforehand. When we were in line to have our book signed, I asked Stedman if we could take a picture with her. She declined taking pictures with us claiming she didn’t like to take pictures. So I got sneaky status and took pictures of her while she wasn’t looking. What can I say, I’m a nerdy rebel. Stedman signed my book: “Hope you have a great book group discussion. Thanks for choosing it!”

In addition to selecting the book for August, I was also in charge of food and drinks. While brainstorming menu options, I decided to go ALL OUT and…wait for it…COOK! You should know that I don’t cook. Like, at all. Ever, really. I mean, if my life depended on it I could totally put together a basic meal. But I haven’t cooked in more than two years. Unless you count microwaving or throwing a pizza into the over? Which I totally do. Book club was being held around brunch time, so I opted for mini blueberry muffins, a make-your-own-parfait mini bar, and mini quiche baked by yours truly. It was lovely and delicious, if I do say so myself. I was surprised at how quick and easy it was to make the mini quiche. I know this sounds really dumb, but I put all these ingredients together, threw it in the oven, and BAM! It made FOOD! That you could EAT! Without getting sick, I might add 😉 It was like magic.

Here’s a picture of my mini quiche right out of the oven. At the bottom of this post you will also find the recipe I used.

Betty Crocker ain't got shit on me.

Betty Crocker ain’t got shit on me.

The following description of The Light Between Oceans was borrowed from barnesandnoble.com: After four harrowing years on the Western Front, Tom Sherbourne returns to Australia and takes a job as the lighthouse keeper on Janus Rock, nearly half a day’s journey from the coast. To this isolated island, where the supply boat comes once a season, Tom brings a young, bold, and loving wife, Isabel. Years later, after two miscarriages and one stillbirth, the grieving Isabel hears a baby’s cries on the wind. A boat has washed up onshore carrying a dead man and a living baby.

Tom, who keeps meticulous records and whose moral principles have withstood a horrific war, wants to report the man and infant immediately. But Isabel insists the baby is a “gift from God,” and against Tom’s judgment, they claim her as their own and name her Lucy. When she is two, Tom and Isabel return to the mainland and are reminded that there are other people in the world. Their choice has devastated one of them.

Below are some of my favorite quotes/passages from The Light Between Oceans:

Chapter 33

It occurs to him that there are different versions of himself to farewell- the abandoned eight-year-old; the delusional soldier who hovered somewhere in hell; the lightkeeper who dared to leave his heart undefended. Like Russian dolls, these lives sit within him. p. 306

BookfessionsChica’s Thoughts: I love the analogy of the Russian dolls used here. We carry our experiences with us and they make us who we are. For better or for good. The person you are during significant junctures in your life always remains with you. The oldest of three kids, the shy skinny girl in elementary school, the alternative girl who wore camouflage and boots in middle school, the mean girl in high school, the sorority party girl in college, the MSW grad student who no longer wanted to be a social worker, the broken hearted/dumpee in my last relationship. Those are some of the different versions of myself that make up the current BookfessionsChica.

Chapter 34

No conscious thought went through Isabel’s mind- it was by sheer reflex that she said, “I swear.” p. 313

BookfessionsChica’s thoughts: Oh, man. This is the moment in The Light Between Oceans when I’m reading in bed, I’m the only one in the room, and I yell (out loud, not in my head) “NO THIS BITCH DIDN’T!” Now, obviously I can’t tell you what happens because that would give too much away, but you should know that I was so pissed off when I got to this part that I had to put down the book on the other side of the room and walk away. M.L. Stedman was able to get Isabel under my skin and I had to take a break in order to calm down before I could continue reading. It’s been a while since a book has made me to that.

Chapter 37

Scars are just another kind of memory. p. 342

Mini Quiche with Mushrooms, Ham, and Spinach Recipe
cooking spray
10 ounces of mushrooms
sandwich ham
black pepper
2 cups of baby spinach
9 eggs
1/4 cup of milk
shredded cheddar cheese

1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees and coat 12-cup muffin/cupcake pan with nonstick cooking spray.
2. Add cooking oil to skillet and put over medium heat. Add mushrooms and cook until lightly browned, about 5-8 minutes. Remove pan from heat and stir in the baby spinach until spinach begins to wilt. Set aside to cool slightly. Baby spinach will still continue to cook for a bit while cooling.
3. Meanwhile, whisk eggs, milk, salt, and pepper until well combined. Pour egg mixture evenly between muffin/cupcake tins, filling them about 2/3 of the way. Add ham, mushrooms, and spinach into muffin/cupcake tins. Top with cheese.
4. Bake for about 20-25 minutes, until quiches are well risen, golden brown. Check if done with a toothpick. Cool then serve. Yum!

About bookfessionschica

I love to read. I love to read on vacation/while traveling. I love hardcover first editions.
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