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test items


Conditions of livjng alone efers to the field of studying the effects of living alone. iot alo includes social serviuces for this topical study.

External links[edit]

general articles, not sorted[edit]

Helpful online communities[edit]

living well alone

secure single
  • Solo podcast. In a world where most people get married, where do you turn for advice if you don’t want to settle down — for now or forever? Solo is the single person’s guide to a remarkable life.

Advice and tips[edit]

Govt studies[edit]

General overviews and analysis[edit]

Advice articles[edit]

Advice threads, Quora[edit]

Advice threads, reddit[edit]


US Articles[edit]

  • How To Adjust To Living Alone By Sandra Gordon, Forbes website
  • 15 Tips For Living Alone According To Experts.
    • Living alone offers many benefits and challenges but can overall be a rewarding experience
    • Knowing how to properly take care of yourself and stay safe are key components to thriving in a solo living situation
    • Check out these expert tips we’ve gathered to keep you safe and sane while living alone

UK articles[edit]



Guides, Resources[edit]

UK Guides to services[edit]

US Guides to services[edit]

UK resources[edit]

  • Companion at home A trained volunteer can visit you at home for a chat, or take you out.
  • Companion over the phone. Get a regular call from a volunteer. They can provide ongoing support and be a friendly ear when you need to talk.
  • Macmillan Telephone Buddy. Get a weekly call from a volunteer to talk about how you're feeling and services which are available to you.]
  • Age UK. The charity runs a network of befriending services, which work by matching up an older person with a befriender. It also runs a telephone befriending service if you can't leave the house.

US resources[edit]

Other countries resources[edit]