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This page is a translated version of the page Mailing lists/Overview and the translation is 32% complete.
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Más felületek

Ezek a Wikimédia Alapítvány, egy kaliforniai központú nonprofit szervezet, a Wikipédia, a Wikiszótár, a Wikikönyvek, a Wikidata, a Wikidézet, a Wikiforrás, a Wikimedia Commons, a Wikifajok, a Wikihírek és a Wikiegyetem, valamint számos Wikimédia-mozgalomhoz kapcsolódó wikinek és néhány más MediaWiki-alapú wiki üzemeltetője által hosztolt levelezőlisták.

Egy levelezőlista olyan, mint egy megosztott e-mail-cím: az arra a címre küldött üzeneteket a lista minden tagja („feliratkozója”) megkapja.

Except for lists marked "private", archives are available for online reading by anyone; posting to a list generally requires subscribing to it. The Mailman list overview page can be found at lists.wikimedia.org.

Many lists are also archived at mail-archive.com and markmail.org, which provide powerful search engines.

See the main Mailing lists page for more information on Wikimedia lists.


Wikimédia Alapítvány

A Wikimédia Alapítványhoz kapcsolódó listák:

Interest group lists

Listák különböző témákban:

Internal, governance and committee lists

These lists have to do with specific committees or internal operations, and often require approval to join:


Wikimedia movement affiliates

Lists for Wikimedia movement affiliates:

By chapter:

Régiós levelezőlisták

Lists for established meetup groups in particular locations:


Projektnév szerint rendezve:

Helyi Wikipédia-levelezőlisták

Helyi Wikiszótár-levelezőlisták

Helyi Wikikönyvek-levelezőlisták

Helyi Wikiforrás-levelezőlisták

Helyi Wikihírek-levelezőlisták

Helyi Wikiegyetem-levelezőlisták

Helyi Wikivoyage-levelezőlisták

Off-wiki requests lists

MediaWiki and technical

Lists related to software and technical matters.


General MediaWiki discussion, strictly suitable (also) for a general, non-Wikimedia-only audience.

Lista Leírás
mediawiki-l For administrators and users of the MediaWiki software in non-Wikimedia-related projects, including some feature and development discussion. If you are having difficulty with your own installation of MediaWiki, then this is the place to ask for help. (gossamer-threads)
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
mediawiki-announce A low traffic list for announcements about new MediaWiki releases and security updates. All messages to this list also go to mediawiki-l, so you don't need to be on both. (gossamer-threads)
Note: this list is in "emergency moderation". Only messages from accepted addresses don't get immediately discarded, and any message has to be manually approved by a list admin or moderator (Tim Starling, Reedy or Csteipp).
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
mediawiki-i18n Discussion and notifications regarding MediaWiki internationalisation and language setup. Not to be confused with the private localisation-team.
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
mediawiki-api A MediaWiki felülethez és annak fejlesztéséhez kapcsolódó beszélgetés.
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
mediawiki-api-announce A low-traffic list for announcements about the API, such as breaking changes and new MediaWiki releases. All messages to this list also go to mediawiki-api, so you don't need to be on both.
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
wikitext-l This list is for long-term discussion of MediaWiki's syntax ("wikitext"), its current parser, improvements, and work on Parsoid, the new parser. Specific, fixable problems with the current parser and with Parsoid should go to wikitech-l instead. We used to discuss the new VisualEditor here, but discussion of VE has now moved to wikitech-l.
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wikidata-tech Discussion regarding the development of Wikidata
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Kód és hibák

Of interest mainly for developers following the code closely.

Lista Leírás
wikibugs-l Automated notifications of bug reports. Note that follow-ups should go into Bugzilla, or sent directly to the reporter and/or to wikitech-l. They should not be sent to wikibugs-l.
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber login • (nem archivált)
mediawiki-commits Automated notifications of Git/Gerrit commits. Developers and other interested users may wish to subscribe to keep abreast of the latest whizz-bang changes that somebody forgot to mention on wikitech-l. (gossamer-threads)
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber login • (nem archivált)
wikidata-bugs Automated notifications of bug reports. Note that follow-ups should go into Bugzilla, or sent directly to the reporter and/or to wikidata-l. They should not be sent to wikidata-bugs.
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
wikimedia-commits Ezt a listát egyesítették a mediawiki-commitsszal.
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber login • (nem archivált)
mediawiki-codereview All CodeReview comments were sent to this list (only for the SVN repository; no replacement available with Git). Follow-ups went into CodeReview or were sent to wikitech-l.
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber login • (nem archivált)
qa-alerts Automatic notifications of Quality Assurance alerts (browser tests) sent by Jenkins
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
eventlogging-alerts EventLogging Alerts
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
multimedia-alerts Automated Multimedia Alerts
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
betacluster-alerts Több értesítés
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
discovery-alerts Automatic notifications for oozie job failures
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok


MediaWiki discussions local to a specific area or userbase.

Lista Leírás
mediawiki-distributors A very low volume list directly related to the issues of those who package and distribute MediaWiki.
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
mediawiki-enterprise For discussion related to the enterprise use of MediaWiki.
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
iberotec A list about MediaWiki, pywikibot and other technical things, in iberocoop languages (Portugues, Spanish, Italian).
Kezdőlap/feliratkozásSubscriber loginarchívumokgmane
mediawiki-india A list for developers and users of MediaWiki from India.
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
mediawiki-fr Liste de discussion francophone sur MediaWiki / MediaWiki french-speaking mailinglist
Kezdőlap/feliratkozásSubscriber loginArchívumok • not on Gmane?
mediawiki-sv Svéd nyelvű viták a MediaWiki szoftverről (lezárva).
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok

Kapcsolódó szoftverek, eszközök és infrastruktúrák

Tools to help use and development of all MediaWiki and MediaWiki sites, or of Wikimedia projects by anyone including researchers etc.


Lista Leírás
pywikipedia-announce for important Python MediaWiki bot announcements (important bugfixes, updates and notes).
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
pywikipedia-l Python MediaWiki bot discussion (user and developer) about the Pywikibot framework.
(Retired in 2015)
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
pywikibot Python MediaWiki bot discussion (user and developer) about the Pywikibot framework.
(Currently active)
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
pywikipedia-bugs Hibajelzések a Pywikibothoz (Bugzilla).
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
pywikibot-commits Commits to the Pywikibot Git repository.
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok


Lista Leírás
wikibaseug Main discussion of the Wikibase Community User Group
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
wikibase-cloud A mailing list for the community of users of Wikibase.Cloud, a new addition to the Wikibase ecosystem
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok

Cloud Services and Toolforge

Lista Leírás
cloud-announce Important announcements about and regarding Wikimedia Cloud Services and Toolforge
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
cloud For discussion about and regarding Wikimedia Cloud Services and Toolforge
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok


Lista Leírás
toolserver-announce Important announcements about and regarding the toolserver
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
toolserver-l For discussion about and regarding the toolserver
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok


Lista Leírás
huggle Discussion of Huggle anti-vandalism tool (in English).
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
xmldatadumps-l Discussion of providing and downloading Wikimedia data, see Data dumps for on-wiki documentation.
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok

General development and technical discussion

For all Wikimedians: the tech ambassadors list for discussion and announcements of upcoming changes and features:

Lista Leírás
wikitech-l For discussion of technical issues with Wikimedia servers, features and development of the MediaWiki software, etc. This is not a forum for user help (see mediawiki-l, above). (gossamer-threads)
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
wikitech-announce Wikimedia technology platform and MediaWiki development and maintenance announcements, reports and updates (low-traffic).
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
wikibots-l Discussion and self-help among bots users.
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok

Interest areas

Specific technical areas of work on MediaWiki in general and Wikimedia projects specifically.

Lista Leírás
analytics A mailing list for the Analytics Team at WMF and everybody who has an interest in Wikipedia and analytics.
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
centralnotice-admins CentralNotice admins discussion and announcements.
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
design Discussion of Wikimedia design: information architecture, visual design, style, etc.
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
ee This list was merged to wikitech-l. Not to be confused with the private e2.
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
listadmins List for discussions and announcements related to lists.wikimedia.org
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
maps-l Discussion about the integration of open maps (including from OpenStreetMap) with MediaWiki.
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
metavid-l Discussion about MetaVidWiki and the integration of MetaVid with MediaWiki.
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
mobile-l A list for announcing and discussing the Wikimedia mobile projects. This includes mobile web, apps, and tablets.
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
offline-l This list is a place where technologists and practitioners meet to discuss the best approaches for using – as readers or as participants – MediaWiki-powered sites without Internet connectivity.
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
teampractices A mailing list to discuss team practices employed in Wikimedia organizations, with focus on software engineering practices and methods such as agile development. Not to be confused with the private Engineering general discussion list for all staffers and contractors of that WMF department.
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
wikifarm Discussion for managers of Wiki Farms
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
A mailing list oriented around activities of the Search and Discovery department at the WMF. It is a place to discuss all things related to the search and discovery features of Wikimedia.
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
wikivideo-l Discussion about video on Wikimedia projects. Closed in July 2013 - See the new Multimedia list, above.
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
deployment-systems Discussion list for deployment systems
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
cloud-announce Announcements for users of Wikimedia Cloud Services (formerly called labs-announce)
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
mediawiki-core Wikimedia's MediaWiki Core team
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
newprojects Announcement list for new Wikimedia wikis
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
tools-nlwikibots [nincs elérhető leírás]
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
wikimetrics Wiki metrics
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
xtools Discussion list for xTools
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
wikimedia-medicine Wiki Medicine discussion
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
wikimediareference-l Discussion about the use of reference sources by Wikimedians
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok

További listák

További nyilvános listák

Lista Leírás
egyptopedia-l Egyptopedia - L'egyptologique de Wikipedia / Egyptology Wikipedia
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
eliso Esperanto kaj Libera Scio / Esperanto and Free Knowledge
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
eliso-anoncoj Esperanto kaj Libera Scio (anoncoj) / Esperanto and Free Knowledge (anouncements)
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
wikimediterraneans Wikimedians interested to create a cooperation between affiliates around the mediterranean sea
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
wikimedia-cuteness Wikimedia Cuteness Association
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
wikimedia-northern-europe For cooperation and joint efforts between Wikimedia organizations in Northern Europe
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
wikija-g Japanese user group newsletter distribution.
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok

További nyilvános holt listák

Lista Leírás
denkmal-at Austrian Monuments Collaboration
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
devnations-l Growing Wikimedia in developing nations
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
fd-advisorygroup Funds Dissemination Advisory Group
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
foa-cron Mentors and students for the wikimedia-cron FOA project
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
mediawiki-cvs MediaWiki CVS commits
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
packaging [nincs elérhető leírás]
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
performance discussions on performance engineering
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
research-newsletter Wikimedia Research Newsletter
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
spcom Sister Projects Committee
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
wikilovespublicart Wiki Loves Public Art Photograph Competition
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
wikimedia-am Mailing list for Wikimedia Armenia
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
wikimedia-am-internal [nincs elérhető leírás]
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
wikimedia-dz Mailing list for the Algeria Wikimedians User Group
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
wikimedia-fi Wikimedia Finland mailing list
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
wikimedia-ge Wikimedia Georgia planning list
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
wikimedia-il-edu Wikimedia Israel Education team
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
wikimedia-in-member [nincs elérhető leírás]
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
wikimedia-in-newsletter Subscription list for Wikimedia India Newsletter
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
wikimedia-in-newsletter-editors Wikimedia India Newsletter Editors
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
wikimedia-ma Wikimedia Morocco User Group
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
wikimedia-no E-postliste for medlemmer av Wikimedia Norge / Wikimedia Norge Chapter
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
wikimedia-sf-makerfaire SF MakerFaire planning list
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
wikimedia-sg Wikimédia Szingapúr
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
wikimediaby Wikimedia Belarus email list
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
wikimediaco-l Lista de discusion de Wikimedia Colombia / Wikimedia Colombia Chapter
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wikimediahr Wikimedia Croatia Chapter
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
wikimediamy Wikimedia Malaysia Chapter
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
wikimedianz-l Proposed New Zealand Wikimedia Chapter
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wikimediapa-l Philadelphia and Pennsylvania Wikimedians
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wikimy-l Myanmar Wikipedia mailing list
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wikipedia-bn-help Bangladesh Wikipedia help
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
wikipedia-cak Kaqchikel Wikipetya' / Kaqchikel Wikipedia discussion
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wikistats Discussion of the statistics project at wikistats.wmflabs.org
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok

További privát listák

Listák archívumok nélkül.

Lista Leírás
affcom-members [nincs elérhető leírás]
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
apg-grantees List for APG grantees and Staff
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
arbcom-ko Korean Wikipedia ArbCom
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
board-nominations [nincs elérhető leírás]
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
bureaucrats-nl-wikipedia NL Wikipedia Bureaucrat list
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
car-fr-l Comite d'arbitrage de la Wikipedia francophone / French Wikipedia ArbCom
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
wikipedia-fr-comite-nomination Comité de nomination de la Wikipédia francophone / French Wikipedia nominators
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
contact-nl Interne overleglijst voor de Nederlandstalige OTRS vrijwilligers
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
cvn-private Countervandalism Network Staff
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
design-team Design team internal discussion
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
destacado-l El articulo destacado de Wikipedia en tu correo / Daily article (Spanish)
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
discovery-private Internal communications for WMF search and discovery team
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
educacao-br Lista do Grupo Wikimedia Brasileiro de Educação e Pesquisa
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
education-collab-private The Education Collaborative (Public List)
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
festivalsommer-teilnehmer participants of the German Wikipedia Festivalsommer project
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
glam-us-consortium GLAM-Wiki U.S. Consortium advisory board
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global-renamers Internal discussions for global renamers.
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gozetmen Turkish Wikipedia oversighters
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
hackathonorganizers [nincs elérhető leírás]
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
hch-working-group Community Health and Harassment working group
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
infobg-l Balgarskite proekti na Wikimedia / Bulgarian Wikipedia
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
inspire Inspire campaign list
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
lgbt Increasing involvement of LGBT communities and organizing the Wikimedia LGBT Outreach Project
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
mediawiki-security Discuss MediaWiki security issues
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
mk-shared-knowledge [nincs elérhető leírás]
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
multimedia-team Internal discussion of WMF Multimedia Team
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pressemeldungen Informations-Pool des deutschen Wikinews-Projekts / German Wikinews project
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
recruitment Internal list to facilitate contact with the recruitment team
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releng Release Engineering Team
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
research-internal Cross-departmental internal list for all researchers at the WMF
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research-wmf Internal communication for the WMF Research team
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volunteer-supporters [nincs elérhető leírás]
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wep For communication between all people of the Wikipedia Education Program
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wiki-hr List for the Croatian Wikipedia
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wikics-l Česká Wikipedie / Czech Wikipedia
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wikidata-bureaucrats Wikidata bureaucrat list
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wikidata-oversight Wikidata oversight list for case discussion
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wikifi-admin Suomenkielisen Wikipedian yllapitajat /Wiki-fi administrators
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wikifr-colloque-l [CLOSED] Colloque francophone 2007 sur Wikipedia / 2007 French Wikipedia Conference
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
wikimedia-bd-internal Wikimedia Bangladesh Internal List
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wikimedia-ci Wikimedia Community User Group Cote d'Ivoire mailing list
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wikimedia-cl Lista de correo de Wikimedia Chile / Wikimedia Chile chapter
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wikimedia-co Wikimedia Colombia chapter
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wikimedia-en-abuse Internal list used by the Wikipedia Abuse Response Team
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wikimedia-in-del Wikimedia Mailing List for New Delhi and NCR
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wikimedia-in-newsletter-editors Wikimedia India Newsletter Editors
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wikimedia-kk Kazak Wikipédia
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
wikimedia-mk Internal mailing list for Wikimedia Macedonia
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wikimedia-mx Wikimedia Mexico - lista abierta
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wikimedia-pk Wikimedia affiliate in Pakistan
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
wikimedia-search-private Internal communications for WMF search and discovery team
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wikimediabe-l Wikimedia Belgium general list
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wikimediahk Wikimedia Hong Kong, the Local Wikimedia Chapter in Hong Kong
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
wikinews-pl Lista dyskusyjna i kontaktowa polskiej wersji Wikinews
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
wikipedia-ja-del Wikipedia-JA sysops and eliminators
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
wikipedia-ko-admins Private discussion amongst Korean Wikipedia admins
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
wmfkids A list for Wikimedia Foundation parents
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
testeng Quality & Test Engineering Team
Homepage/sign-upSubscriber loginArchívumok
  • @wikimedia.org Google-csoportok
    • termékmenedzserek


Lásd még

There are other ways of communicating with the community besides mailing lists. Some of them include: