
Here's why rental units in the US are now bigger in size

A new RentCafe study has found that the size of new US apartments has grown -- and it's because there's more demand for a specific type of unit.

Lawmaker wants to pay reporters, news organizations to uncover corruption and save taxpayers cash

“Local journalism is dying, which is bad because we need an informed population and because we need independent watchdogs keeping an eye on what the government is doing,” Aragona said.

These Southern cities are the most popular moving destinations in America

Two cities in the Carolinas tied for first, according to a new PODS survey -- and they're in states that have seen major growth since 2020.

Why 'diva' Kelly Rowland allegedly scolded Cannes security guard — and what she said: report

Kelly Rowland "doesn’t care if she comes across like a diva" in the incident at the Cannes Film Festival, an insider reportedly claimed.

Rents in these US cities are rising faster than wages -- with NYC hit the worst

New StreetEasy and Zillow findings show that New York has seen its rent growth really outpace its wage growth in recent years.

NYC Gen Zers will pay more than $200K in rent by age 30 — enough to buy a house elsewhere

By their 30th birthdays, many Zoomers have paid the equivalent of a home's downpayment on rent in the Big Apple, according to RentCafe.

Manhattan offices set new record high for emptiness

The number of vacant offices in Manhattan just hit a new record, according to new numbers from Colliers -- a bleak benchmark four years after COVID-19. 

These towns have the richest retirees in America

Folks over the age of 65 in these locales from Hawaii to New York can count themselves the wealthiest retirees in the nation, according to GoBankingRates.

These US cities have the fastest-growing population of millionaires

Certain parts of America are seeing their rich resident populations rise rapidly, but they're not traditional wealth hubs, according to Henley & Partners.

Post’s bombshell report about alien life on Earth being false confirmed after US gov spent millions funding search: Pentagon

A bombshell Pentagon review released Friday confirms The Post's exclusive reporting from last year that the Pentagon had developed a distracting and ultimately pointless fixation on chasing UFOs.

Manhattan residents pay among the nation's highest percentages of income on rent: study

Living in New York requires a much bigger chunk of income than almost any other city in the US, a new report from RentCafe has found.

This Asian capital has unseated Dubai as the world’s fastest-growing luxury property market

The capital city of an archepelagic Asian nation has unseated the Middle East's glossy Dubai with 26.3% annual price gains in luxury real estate.

Here's the shocking amount the average New Yorker spends in upfront costs for a rental unit

The average cost of securing a new rental apartment in NYC has become exorbitantly expensive, according to StreetEasy, and it's the highest the site has seen.

Luxury home values to decline across the globe this year: Report

Across the world, major cities will see residential capital value growth slow in 2024 -- due to high interest rates, political instability and more.

Hate crimes have spiked since 2018 — with schools third-most common location for offenses: FBI

Hate crimes skyrocketed over a five-year period ending in 2022 — and schools were the third most common location where such offenses were reported, according to a newly released FBI...

Some democracy: Most of the City Council won't tell you where they stand on ruinous Stops Act

Most members of the City Council refused to say how they’ll vote on overriding Mayor Adams’ veto of the How Many Stops Act — which is evidence of how undemocratic...

Adams must flip two members of NYC Council who passed controversial cop bill in veto battle -- Who will it be?

To effectively kill the bill — which Adams claims will besiege officers with paperwork — the mayor needs to flip to lawmakers and make sure other council members don't change...

Being slightly overweight has surprising health benefits for this group of people: report

A recent report by the British Dietetic Association suggested the losing weight may not improve the health of adults 65 and older.

Migrant children sexually abused in 'rape tents' while crossing deadly Darien Gap: report

Doctors Without Borders said in a new report that its members had treated nearly 400 victims of sexual assault in 2023 alone.

Nearly 300,000 Americans go to ER yearly to remove 'foreign objects' from strange places

Nearly 300,000 American adults wind up in the emergency room every year for having a “foreign object in body” -- making it the ninth leading cause of unintentional injuries that...