The 9 Most Inspiring Public Figures in Fashion

It’s no secret that in the past decade fashion has gotten a pretty bad rep.  From designers suffering from word vomit and saying that there can be no overweight models (I’m looking at you, Karl Largefeld and Ralph Lauren) to the idea that everyone in fashion is dumb as a rock, things haven’t been so pretty lately.  But that’s not a clear picture of what everyone in fashion is like as a whole. 

The idea for this list came after weeks of inspiration for me because of the following people’s work and mission.  While I’ve always found entertainers in music and movies to be influential, there is something about people in the art and fashion world that really speaks to me.  I was never even interested in fashion until one of my best friends, Meghan (who also has an amazing blog you can read here) showed me what an art it really is, and I realized how much hard work is involved in making a piece.  Now, I have the utmost respect for designers, models, and critics because as I’ve come to learn, fashion is so much more than standing still, and looking pretty.  It’s also not just something for girls or gay guys–if you can appreciate art, you can appreciate fashion because they go hand in hand. 

So, please come inside for who I believe, are some of the most inspirational people in this industry.  And maybe they’ll change your mind that not all fashion is bad or stupid, like they did mine. Continue reading

Best. Magazine. Cover. Ever.

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That’s all. 

I stand by this statement.

Pop Quiz With Beth Ditto!


The Gossip welcomes you in for a fun, juicy interview with the fabulous Beth Ditto

Stay Crazy, Devendra Banhart!

I heard about Devendra Banhart the way most bloggers do: by reading a celebrity blog, naturally.  Out of curiousity for new music and knowledge that he dated Natalie Portman, I decided to look him up on YouTube and discovered this gem. 

At first, I was completely horrified and a little bit disturbed.  His voice was not at all what I was expecting from such a hippie-looking person and from someone who had such a serene speaking voice.  And then the dramatic hand motions!  It was like he was posessed.  Also was that a cello  or harmonica I heard?!?!  I wrote him off as too strange after seeing it, but then something happened.  A week went by and I couldn’t get the weird video and song off my mind.  It was immediately etched in my mind.  And that’s when I realized, it was obviously a lot better than I was giving it credit for if I was still thinking about it a week later.  And upon a second viewing, I began to love his crazy self.  There really aren’t that many people (especially males) in the music business this…dramatic or odd.  So, please watch the video and get as creeped out or disgusted as I did, or take the second route and love it on first viewing.  Whatever you do, enjoy this work of art.  I’ve become a pretty big Devendra fan and am about to buy quite a few of his albums on Amazon.  But this video…is classic.

Lindsay Lohan Is Dropped From Her Record Label, Working for Free, Desperate for a Job

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So basically, this title says it all.  Lindsay Lohan, the once-It girl who had it all, now has nothing and is desperate to find work. 

According to recent reports, LL is working for Ungaro for free, and only getting free clothes out of the deal.  (Which, is interesting because I remember watching this documentary on the amazing design team that is Proenza Schouler and they can’t afford to pay their MODELS so they give them clothes in exchange for their work.  Obviously Ungaro, a more established fashion label than Proenza Schouler, has the money.  So basically, Lindsay is the equivelent of a struggling fashion model.)  But that’s not all, Linds also has had her music relationship with Casablanca records terminated.  Continue reading

Claire Danes and Hugh Dancy Attend “After Miss Julia”

Did anyone ever see the fabulous yet over-looked movie “Evening”?

If so, then you probably saw some of the most touching scenes to grace film (okay, I’m exagerating a little bit, but they ARE touching) between Hugh Dancy and Claire Danes.  Three-ish years later, they’re married and look so lovely together.

I’m actually a fan of them both–Hugh was great in “Adam” (find it at your local indie movie theater!!) and Claire has always been amazing.

Anyways, here they are attending the opening night of “After Miss Julia”, and looking like that gorgeous couple everyone loves to hate.


come inside for more

Evan Rachel Wood Debuts Her New Look: Brunette

This is for all the Evan Rachel Wood haters:


Because she looked absolutely gorgeous last night at the Fashion Group International Night of Stars event.  Wearing Gucci and sporting newly dyed hair, Evan was pretty much the definition of the following: fierce, flawless, fabulous, innovative, daring, beautiful etc.  Also contrary to OK’s report, Evan and Dita DID NOT cross paths, nor did Evan make her cry. Dita took to her Twitter to clear up the matter, writing this gem:

I would like to send out a big SUCK IT to OK magazine for taking the theme to an especially low level with their report on me. I had a fabulous time and was very honored to be there presenting an award to my dear friend Stephen Jones. I have absolutely no sadness, anger or animosity regarding any elements of my divorce that occurred 3 years ago. I’ve moved on, and the media should do the same. SHAME on OK magazine for publicizing such a malicious and false story. The proof is in the pictures…my black eyeliner is in perfect place.

Love them both, and they both looked great at the event.  I’m also a big fan of Evan’s new hair.  The red was nice, but it kind of washed her out if she chose to wear black (which happened to be a lot), so this is really what she needs to make herself pop.

Anyways, a few more pictures after the jump!  Enjoy!

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Mamie Gummer is Engaged and Looks Stunning at Art Gala

Mami Gummer made an appearance at the Whitney Museum of Art Gala last night, and looked absolutely beautiful.  Last night was a pretty big night for Mamie, aside from attending a glitzy art gala, as she told People magazine that she’s engaged to actor Ben Walker! 

On a side note, she looks SO much like her mom, it’s insane.  I watched “Kramer Vs. Kramer” yesterday, and holy crap she looks almost identical to her mother in that movie.  Anyways pictures and story inside! Continue reading

Ben Whishaw’s New Play Already Won an Award

As most of you should know Ben Whishaw is probably one of the most talented actors to come out of Britain recently, but “Bright Star” isn’t the only thing getting him attention recently…. Come inside for a look at the play he’ll be starring in in NYC that’s already won an award and a feature on him in NYT. Continue reading

Lady Gaga’s New Song “Bad Romance” Is Sickkkk

Two weeks ago, Gaga performed a sample of her song ‘Bad Romance” during SNL (it also happens to be the performance that won me over as a fan because it was so freakin’ brilliant), and today the song finally hit the BBC airways.  Coming from someone who hated on her all summer, I was blown away when I heard this.  It’s probably the most cohesive song she’s ever created, and the lyrics are actually well written and not just about sex.  But then there’s the beat and synths which pretty much elevates it to the heavenly heights of awesomeness that can only be experienced with headphones.  Seriously, you will have an orgasm in your ear by the time she gets to the chorus. 

Song is after the jump.  Apparently there a few different versions floating around, but this is the Cherrytree version where she has a French bridge. 

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