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'Idol' Top Four Results Recap

Posted by Sarah Rodman May 12, 2011 09:11 PM

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In tonight's results show, filler came in many shapes and sizes.

First up were the group performances. These came in the form of country duets by Scotty and James-- on Brad Paisley's "Start a Band"--  and Lauren and Haley-- doing Miranda Lambert's "Gunpowder and Lead."

We also got to watch the final four have video chats with their family and watch a taped appearance from last night's mentor Lady Gaga, singing "You and I," the tune Haley sang on the show recently to great criticism.

Steven Tyler premiered the video for his new solo single "(It) Feels So Good" and Enrique Iglesias and Jordin Sparks performed on the stage. The always spunky and likable Sparks sang her new single "I Am Woman."  (Apparently, that woman is Beyonce judging by the outfit, dance moves, and you-go-girl song style.)

And the person eliminated was...

...James Durbin. He gave an emotional exit with his take on "Maybe, I'm Amazed."

Unless the country fans split the vote between Scotty and Lauren, it's looking like a country-pop showdown for the finale.

So what did you guys think? Did the right person go home? Was it weird that we watched the contestants watch Lady Gaga? What did you think of Jordin Sparks' performance? Do people still care about Enrique Iglesias? How did you like the duets? Did you think the premiere of Steven Tyler's new video felt so good? What kind of career, if any, do you picture James having, exiting as he did in what's become known as the "Chris Daughtry slot"? Comment here or come chat about it tomorrow.

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